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you guys remember in the groupchat how taehyung spoke about dominating jeongguk? well, let's watch and see how that went, shall we?
"o-oh fuck, tae!" jeongguk moaned out, his mouth falling ajar as helpless moans of pleasure ripped through him. the ravenette was currently bent over the kitchen counter, his back arched as taehyung pounded into him mercilessly.

the blonde felt challenged by jeongguk, threatened, even. he didn't like how the elder acted all high and mighty, yet he was currently bend over by his submissive lover, whining like a pathetic little bitch. taehyung growled at the thought, landinh a harsh smack on jeongguk's ass, the sharp smack causing the ravenette to crh out, "look at you, completely at my mercy and whining like a little whore," taehyung spat, the pace of his hips increasing.

now, jeongguk had to admit, taehyung was big. not as big as him, but he was big. he enjoyed the stretch the blonde gave him, loving how full he felt, "y-yes, yes! y-your little whore, only yours!" the dark haired male cried out, tears of both pleasure and embarrassment trailing down his cheeks.

jeongguk was humiliated. he had always thought of himself as a dominant figure, someone who would never willingly submit to anyone. yet here he was, admitting to being his boyfriend's, his sub's whore. it was fucking entertaining, ngl.

"come on, ggukie. tell me what you want," taehyung purred, leaning forward to gently sink his teeth into jeongguk's shoulder, receiving a whimper of approval from the elder male, "w-want your cum, please! wanna be f-filled!" he pleaded, causing taehyung to chuckle menacingly.

the blonde male moved one hand forward, grabbing a fistful of jeongguk's hair before he harshly tugged his head back, snapping his hips at an animalistic pace, "oh? you want my cum, bunny?" he mocked, resulting in more tears of humiliation to roll down jeongguk's cheeks, "yes, yes, yes!"  the ravenette chanted, his back arching out of pure pleasure.

"yeah? you want me to fill your greedy little pussy with my cum? huh? talk to me, slut. are you gonna take it like a good little boy, hm? you gonna take all of my cum?" taehyung taunted, a triumph smirk on his face as he continuously snapped his hips, his eyes focused on jeongguk's red, tear stained face.

jeongguk, though embarrassed, nodded his head, beginning to fuck himself against taehyung's cock, desperate whines leaving him as he chased his orgasm, "y-yes, want you to fill me up! please, please, please!" jeongguk cried out, his orgasm hitting him like a whole train.

taehyung groaned at the sight, cumming shortly after jeongguk. he snapped his hips a few more times before he pulled out, jeongguk's upper body falling against the counter top as he whined and panted breathlessly, leaving a smirking taehyung to rub soothing circles on his back.

"so ggukie," taehyung purred, leaning down to nibble on the elder's ear, "never underestimate me, yeah? or else, i'll fuck you in front of all of your gang members. wouldn't want them knowing how much of a little whore their leader is, now would we?" the blonde teased, earning embarrased whines from the tired ravenette.

taehyung landed a hard smack on jeongguk's ass, causing the male to moan out in pain and pleasure before he walked away, leaving the tired ravenette behind, "feared mafia leader, huh? tsk, i beg to differ." taehyung snickered, making his way up to his and jeongguk's shared room, ignoring the desperate whines coming from said raven haired male.
      i'm bACKKSJSH HI BBYS !! i got the idea for this chapter from a reader uwu. it's good to be back yk, expect three more chapters either later on or tomorrow as a lil gift for being dead for so long. anyway, i love you bbys, thanks for the reads and votes !! byebye <3

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