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sorry that this isn't an update, but i'd like to make one thing clear; this is MY book, and whatever i want to put in MY book i shall put in M Y book 🗿. i'm not trying to be rude, but i've seen this happen to many other authors and i won't hold my tongue. if anything makes you uncomfortable, don't be rude. saying that a chapter "ruined the book for you" is not quite nice, you know?

i mean, i get that you may not like the contents of a certain book, but making the author feel like shit about something they worked hard and had to think through for a long time is just w r o n g in so many ways. i'm not throwing any shade, i'm just handing fax straight outta the printer. if you have a problem with a book, don't read it. it's that simple. i'm sorry if i made you uncomfortable with my writing, but you should not make me or anyone else for that matter feel bad for writing what they want.

i hope some people understand what i mean and where i'm coming from, i really do. i hope you all have a good day/night, bye. ✌

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