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𝖓𝖎𝖓𝖆'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛

im pacing back and forth in my room, my fingers run through my hair while a billion thoughts cross my mind. "how could he do this to me?" "what did i do wrong?" "i swear to god im gonna kill that bitch." "fuck why cant i just be happy for once?" i take off mattia's hoodie and slip on an all black sweatshirt and black skinny jeans. i take my custom made vans that mattia and i customized over the summer out of my closet and put those on as well. i walk out of my room passing by my mothers and hear the shower running. "ma im running out for a few ill be back in an hour." "okay mija keep your location on" i run over to the kitchen grabbing a butchers knife and quickly run out of the house.

𝖒𝖆𝖙𝖙𝖎𝖆'𝖘 𝖕𝖔𝖛

i pull into jenna's driveway hesitantly. 'fuck, what are you doing mattia?' "what about nina?" 'fuck it.' i park then walk out of my car. i knock only to see jenna not crying but with a smile on her face. she's wearing a red robe with a black lace bra and matching panties. "jenna why did you call me? i thought you were sad" she quickly pulls me into a kiss and i try to pull away but she puts her hand on my head pulling me closer.

i snatch her hand away. "jenna what the fuck? you were just crying on the phone." she smiles at me "matti don't you miss me, no hi?" she pulls me into her house and closes the door. "jenna i'm leaving." i turn around and walk towards the door but she jumps in front of it. "mattia i miss you, please. i miss us." she gives me a pouty look that's supposed to be sexy but i cringe instead. "jenna move." i reach for the handle and she pulls a folded piece of paper out of her bra. "what the fuck is that" she hands me the paper and i slowly reach for it. my eyes go wide once i unfold it only to see a nude photo of me. i quickly begin to fold the paper. "jenna how the fuck did you get these you stalker."  i step up to her, she keeps that stupid smile on her face. "mattia i love you and you love me, your just too blind to see it right now because of nina." "you didn't answer my question." i say now angry. "your my eyes only password isn't that hard to guess" she says with a sly grin on her face. "you fucking bitch." i say walking up to her.

i pick her up and walk over to her bedroom. i throw her on the bed aggressively and get on top of her. she tries to caress my face but i'm not in the mood for it. i move her hands away and get up quickly. "fuck jenna why do you always put me in this position?" i say whining a bit. "what position? you did this to yourself." she says with a bit of an attitude in her voice. "HOW IS THIS EVER MY FAULT?!" i say now yelling, my eyes start to get teary. 'keep it together polibio' "i'm so sorry mattia" "you know i would never hurt you intentionally." "JENNA YOU SAY THAT EVERY SINGLE TIME." "we've been back and forth for almost a year now." i say now with tears running down my eyes. 'fuck'

she walks over to me with her hands on my face, our foreheads touch as we both look down. she pulls my chin up and plants a kiss on my lips pulling back quickly. she stares at me for a few seconds searching for approval. i dive back into the kiss falling deeper and deeper. 'why do i do this to myself' i think with my lips still intertwined with jenna's. i pull away and carry her back on to the bed. i'm now on top of her and we make out for a few more minutes until i look over to her window for a split second. "what the fuc-" "matti what are you doing it's nothing?" 'i swear i just saw the same figure as last night.' "jenna there's someone by your window" i say as i quickly get up and run over to it. as i make my way over to her window i look down at the street only to see a girl running. i quickly examine her and what she's wearing. "long brown hair and light brown skin." i get to what she's wearing and i look down to her shoes. "holy shi-" 'no, mattia there's no way that's her.' i think reassuring myself it's not nina.

i look over at jenna and see her laying down looking up at her phone. "who was it" she says a bit mad i interrupted us i'm guessing. "it's nothing, i'm sorry i jenna i gotta go." she gets up and walks over to me. her head slouches into my shoulder as she gives me a hug. "i wanna go back to the way things were, before everything. "i don't know if i'm ready for that jenna." she looks up at my with her arms still around me. "think about it okay?" she let's go and leads me to the door. i walk out and head over to my car. i get in and start driving home. thoughts fill my mind. 'that couldn't have been nina there's no way.' 'but those shoes, there custom how could someone else out there have them? i shake my head as im brought back to reality. 'don't worry it's not her, it can't be.'

𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖍𝖔𝖗𝖘 𝖓𝖔𝖙𝖊
i wrote this chapter around 3 am with the help of my friend LOL. this was fun to write but i'm so tired so goodnight. don't forget to vote and comment and next chapters gonna get better i promise. happy reading luvs!!

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