Prologue Part 1: From Abused to Salvation...

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Word of warning: if you like Ruby, Yang, Summer, and/or Raven, please don't read this story, as they will be out of character and... Pretty much fucked up in the head... You've been warned

Ok, I figured out what semblance to give the reader. (Y/n)'s semblance for this story is called "Rose Step" (think flash step from bleach, only the reader breaks apart into multiple rose petals, then combines in another location, both being very fast)

You and Yang are 9 and Ruby is 7.

POV third

All your life, or at least as far back as you could remember, you've been abused, both physically and mentally. First it was by the adults, then Ruby and Yang joined in, then after Qrow and Tai disappeared, you thought it would lighten up, but it didn't. If anything, it got worse, since they all took their anger out on you everyday.

What's more, you've noticed something that made you feel worse then after the beatings. You've noticed that your "Aunt" Raven has been more... "Touchy" with you, and it scares you. You knew that if you didn't leave soon, something really bad was going to happen to you.

Then one day, the family (minus you) left to get some groceries, and you took this chance to run away, as far as you can, taking as many foods and money as you could find (hell, you even took Zwei, as you didn't want them to hurt him after you left). You also made sure to take your journal, that you've been using to write down about the abuse that's been happening for years

(Y/n): "Come on, Zwei! Let's go!"

Zwei: *barks as his tail wags fast*

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Zwei: *barks as his tail wags fast*

As the two of you make your way away from the house, you hear something in the bushes. You take out a kitchen knife you grabbed before leaving the house, and Zwei started to growl towards the spot. However, before they could do anything, they hear someone scream something out loud.

???: "GET DOWN!"


Both you and Zwei dropped to the floor fast, as bullets flew over you, hitting the Beowulf that just jumped out of the bushes towards you. As you get back up, two people start making their way towards you. One a giant man while another is a short Raven haired lady.

 One a giant man while another is a short Raven haired lady

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Big Guy: "That was close

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Big Guy: "That was close..." *Turn towards you* "You ok, kid?"

(Y/n): "y-yeah... I'm fine, tha-ow..." *Grabs his arm that was sore earlier from the abused*

Lady: "Here, give me your arm, I got something that might help." *Reaches for your arm, only for you to pull it away quick*

The two are confused about why you moved away from the lady, until the guy realized what happened, and taps something on his ear.

POV Motoko

I try to help the boy again, only for him to move back once more. Idk why he's doing that, but before I say anything, I get a comm link from Batou.

Batou: *through comm* "Major, I think I know what's going on. I'll explain later though, we gotta get this boy to the hospital"

Motoko: *through comm* "... Ok, let's take him to the hospital, though it seems he's afraid of me, so you carry him."

Batou: *comm* "ok, then you carry the dog" *to (Y/n)* "come along, kid, let's go"

(Y/n): "huh? Where to?"

Batou: "the hospital"


That's the end of this prologue, sorry about breaking it in half, writer's block hit me while I was writing this, and I didn't want to just up and stop this story. The second half will be longer (hopefully lol) while also explaining what happens to the Rose/Branwen/Xiao Long family after (Y/n) left... And it's not good...

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