chapter 3

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The hotel clerk in young man has stepped outside for a cigarette " she was our hotel's frequent guests she stayed here every week we haven't rented the room out since." As a Young Man looked over at her " since what..?" And she knew the history behind that door " no one understood why she did it she always talk to me and tell me that her and her husband are splitting up and that was the love of her life"
the young girl in the room was so destroyed and so heartbroken over the fact of her and her husband splitting up that she could no longer bear not being by his side so she took some rope and hung herself  ... " she's so beautiful to except for those eyes" the man looked over " what about them..?" The Clark took a minute " they were an unnatural blue"  the clerks she  knew more of the story
" in her note she believed in the afterlife she would be waiting for him in open arms so they could be together again and her note I remember it still clearly to this day" .

" my dearest love I know that we are apart I could not bear the thought of you leaving my heart could not take it I loved you so and I will always love you but it's time for me to go for I will always be waiting for you I will be waiting for you on the other side it's not your fault i can't forgive you if it wasn't your fault ... I have to go now...


A single tear stained the papers that it was her last goodbyes now waiting for her husband to join her....

Once her last words were written down she had taken the rope and tied it into a noose hanging herself as the music played she takes a few deep breaths looking at the pictures of her and her husband when he was 23 and she was 23  was the last thing she saw before kicking the chair out from under her  the last thing on her mind was him ... How she will be waiting. For him on the other side with open arms so now she waits for him to join her to once again feel his embrace his touch once more ..  everything that had happened in they're marriage she knew she was never good enough everyone hated her even the man she thought that loved her no matter but he grew to hate her as well she found no reason to live on anymore. .  if the man she loved with all her heart hated her as much as his family and friends did then what was the point. ..

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2023 ⏰

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