Just the beginning

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     It was a bright summer morning and Maddie and her friends were at dance when Maddie got a weird phone call from a police station. It was an officer saying that someone had broken in and had taken her family. Maddie thought it was weird and didn't think much about it. When it was time for Maddie to go home, she asked her best friends Josi and Brooke to walk home with her. When she got home, that was when she knew something was off.
    "Did your house always look like this?",asked Josi.
    "Yeah, it looks strange, like someone had broken in!" said Brooke.
Then it hit Maddie that call she got from the police station earlier this morning was not fake. Her family was kidnapped and someone had broken into her house.
     "You guys remember when I walked out of the studio?",said Maddie.
    "Yeah!" said Josi.
    "Well, I left because I got a call from the police station saying that my house had been broken into and my family had been kidnapped."said Maddie
    "Why didn't you say something?" said Brooke
    "Because I didn't think much about it." said Maddie
    "Ok, it's fine, but for now we need to figure things out now and quick before anything bad happens to them." said Josi
So like Josi had said, they searched around the house and couldn't find anything. Then they heard someone call their name.
    "Hello?"said the unknown person.
    "Anyone home? It's Sophie." said Sophie
    "Oh my god, you scared me so much!" said Maddie.
    "What is going on?" said Sophie.
    "Long story short, my house had been broken into and my family was kidnapped" said Maddie.
    "What?" said Sophie.
    "I know you have lots of questions, but right now I have something to do and let's get to searching." said Maddie.
So the "crew" (Maddie, Sophie, Josi, and Brooke) searched all over the outside and inside of the house. Then Brooke found something.
    "Hey look over here it's a note", said Booke.
On the note it said, " Sometimes to get inside a door, all you need to do is knock, other times you will need this thing, so you can unlock"
    "What do you guys think this means?" said Brooke
    "Well let's think, what is something that we need to open a door with, but no knocking?"said Maddie
    "A key!" said Sophie
    "Right!"said Josi
    "Why would we need a key when the door is already open?" said Brooke
Everyone looks around, but no one could get the note.
Then Maddie said "What else needs a key to open it?"
    "Maybe a box?" said Josi
    "Ok, then let's split up. Josi and I will go inside to find a key and a box,  and you guys can go outside and ask the neighbors if they have seen anything going on near my house." said Maddie
    "Alright, we got a plan?" Brooke said.
    "Yup!" said Josi, Maddie, and Sophie.
    "Alright then, good luck." said Maddie
And off they went, to find what they needed.
Maddie and Josi went inside and looked everywhere. While Sophie and Brooke when all through the neighborhood.   

A few hours later, Maddie found a note that said,
"I am something that is often round, but I am not a pizza base,  I have a hand but don't have fingers, I have numbers on my face."  Then Josi noticed something.
    "Hey, look! There is a back!" said Josi.
    "What does it say?" said Maddie.
"You are running out of it"
    "Of what?" said Josi.
    "I don't know, but whatever it is, we're running out of it." said Maddie.
    And so, the search continues. Then, something zoomed across and both Maddie and Josi didn't see it. So, that will be forever not seen. After a couple hours, it gets late and both Brooke and Sophie go home. But Josi decides to spend the night at Maddie's house. But by the time 3 am came, Maddie was too scared to sleep, so they made a quick change in plans and went to Josi's house. And there they slept for the rest of the night. Maddie had dance the next day, so she went to dance and went home. Instead of going to her home, she went to Josi's house to spend the day. Then, an unsuspected mail came in and said that she was in danger and had to get out. Maddie didn't believe it because who was that bad that they wanted Maddie to leave her hometown. She lived in Brooklyn, NY for almost all of her life. There was no way any person could get her to leave her hometown. Then Maddie thought to herself what was going to happen if she didn't leave. But she couldn't just leave her friends and family so she was going to secretly stay and have Josi and Brooke look after her.

The Mystery-break in: Part 1Where stories live. Discover now