Meeting Him

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I couldn't help but stare at him. Not that there was anything wrong but also there was nothing right either. All i knew was that i couldn't stray away from him. He was turned to the side talking to another classmate. He had broad shoulders, brown eyes and hair, he looked just like any other person here at the school. I can only assume he felt my piercing gaze that day because he turned to look at me and I immediately looked away. Why did I look away? It's not like i was doing anything wrong...i think. Anyways, I ended up standing up and making my way towards Ella who sat diagonally from him towards the back. I would have say on a regular desk if it wasn't for the fact that it was behind his seat, so I ended up taking an empty chair from the computer. I had a quick chit-chat with Ella that I don't remember what it was about, all I knew is that I couldn't get him off my mind for some reason. I started to question myself as to why... Had I seen him or met him before? Family friend i forgot about? Maybe it was me...was there something on my face? Before i could think of more reasons, the teacher mentioned class was about to start. I sat back at my desk, trying hard to avoid his gaze as well as me trying to not gaze back. Since the teacher did not know any of us, she asked us to please raise our hand and say "here" when called. I attentively paid attention waiting for his name to be called until i hear, "Anthony?" ... "Here" a voice was heard behind me and i saw movement from the corner of my eyes and knew it was him. I kept repeating the name in my mind with a small smile. Once our teacher had finished we began the class.
Nothing much happened just regular procedure and expectations for us freshman as well as all the fire drill and lock down procedures blah blah blah let's skip to the next day (might have been more days but i doubt it because of Javi ...more into that later)

On the next day, nothing much happened, a few classes still talked about procedures while others slowly began to take notes. For Pre-AP english we were going to begin notes. As I took out my supplies, I thought I heard some hushing noise and disregarded it. However, as i listened again I realized it was more of a "pssst" and knew someone was calling someone, I kept ignoring it. Right after, I felt a light tap on my shoulder and I turned, only to realize it was Anthony. I let out a light gasp and tried to steer away from eye contact, but as soon as he knew he got my attention he asked, "can I sit there". Initially I was like wtf did he just forget about the assigned seats yesterday? And almost as if he read my mind he mentioned how the talk guy next to me was his friend and wanted to sit by him. At first, I was too busy freaking out on the inside but upon hearing his nice plea I answered, "ummm...sure?". Without even checking if it was okay with Ms. Rena, we simply got our notebook and pencil and switched seats, leaving our backpacks at our original desk. Of course being the wreck I was I did not want to sit on his desk and ended up grabbing a chair once again by the computers. The rest of the class went fine I realized Anthony was the type to not get shy when called upon the class. His few responses to certain things were quite intriguing, i liked it. Once class was over he immediately looked at me and said thank you to which i replied no problem.

At the end of the day, I got home and opened up my phone to see a message from Javi asking how my second day if school had gone. I responded,  "amazing" and told him about how i had met Anthony and his quirkiness
when it came to asking me about switching seats and the class itself. Now that I think about it, i probably sent the message with a huge smile on my face excited of my little friendly classmate. Before I could tell Javi more about Anthony, I got a reply mentioning to stay away from Anthony and to stop talking to him. I knew it was his jealousy talking and it really did annoy me but i thought it was because he cared. Of course, deep down i knew I couldn't stop talking to him, and that is exactly what I told Javi. I said, "I'm sorry but I don't see what's the problem. I picked you after all so of course nothing is going to happen" (boy was I wrong) He tried cooling off and mentioned how he was scared of losing me, and I opposed him and reaffirmed our relationship. We ended up talking about other stuff for the rest of the night.

Before I knew it, Anthony would ask me every other day about switching seats and i agreed every time. The first time he asked with my name I freaked out. There was also other times where out of no where I would do small comments here and there. He would ask, and I would say, "come oooon let's get it over with" or "come here your bro is waiting" and other times just small teasing about how he stares at me and whatnot. He would try to make comebacks about me doing the same and my excuse was that he started it. At this point we were not friends but not strangers either. We were just there, using his friend as our excuse to talk and tease each other, yet I repeat myself again, I liked it. As long as I heard his voice and I saw him once I was good for the day. I kid you not, the days that he would be absent felt so off to me. To not have my teasing buddy with me as I sat in my normal seat was weird. So I took every opportunity to speak at least once every class time.

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