First Day of School

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It was early morning, I think 6:30 to be exact and school doesn't start until 2 more hours. I kept thinking to myself why am I up so early and remembered it was because of my brother. There is nothing like having a band involved sibling right?  It was either a ride with him or the bus. Of course, I immediately chose to go with him, but at the cost of leaving house at 7 so we would be at school by 7:20 for his morning band practice.

As my dad dropped us off he couldn't help but tear up as he realized his 2 kids were now officially high-schoolers. Every-year my dad would take a picture of us for the first day of school and today was no different. With a loud and annoyed sigh I went to awkwardly hug my older brother for the picture my dad wanted to take. No offense to my dad, I love him I do, but why now?!?! While other early band kids and other people I don't even know were getting dropped off. It was so embarrassing but of course I couldn't say no to my dad.

I immediately kissed and waved him goodbye as my brother had already rushed towards the band room. Once my dad drove off I took a deep breath and soaked it all in. High school... My new home for the next 4 years. I walked into the school and made my way towards the cafeteria, fortunately I had been inside the building before and knew my way around the main areas. So, I stepped inside and sat on the farthest table I could find, and noticed several people were there already. I pulled out my phone and immediately started texting friends left and right asking if they were at school yet. Immediately my heart ached because I couldn't help but think of them. Two of my closest best friends who had gone to the new early college built across the street. I gave a loud sigh and my face dipped down in slight regret.

My last semester in 8th grade consisted of so many good and bad things. For example, I got to go to Disneyland the first time for a choir competition (Heritage) and we had done amazing for a first time. However there was the lingering thoughts about my future in the back of my mind of where I would go after to regular High School or the new Early College High School. My mind kept telling me early college so I can finish school faster and save a lot of money for my parents, but my heart ached at the thought of not having choir in my life. I had been in choir since 4th grade, under the teaching of the amazing Mr. Adam. and my dream to teach me again in High school excited me. He volunteered at my elementary, since it was a part of the school district but his actual teaching took place in high school. I had been in choir for the past 5 years in hopes of learning from him again. I couldn't explain to you but choir is my life even now. Anyways, so with those thoughts I chose highschools. It was then when I told my two closest friends that had made me doubt my decision, for they had chosen early college. As much as I wanted to be with them I knew that I had to go with what I truly wanted, and I don't mean friends. I mean for myself, what would have made me happy.

As these thoughts tormented me i immediately brushed them off and turned to my phone as I immediately pulled up my best friends on social media and texted them, wishing them the best luck of this new school year and how I would be cheering for them. They immediately replied with similar messages and thoughts and i couldn't help but smile.

Soon enough, my friends began to show and we gossiped all about summer and the drama that had gone with it. I was trying so hard to avoid that subject but failed when I see their smirks towards me and asked, "soooo Celeste? How are things with you and Javi?" I tensed up as I heard his name but soon after smiled and had a slight blush on my checks as I replied, "good". My friends immediately booed at me for being so plain and dry with them, but the truth was...that it wasn't good.

Overall my summer vacation consisted of tears and headaches caused my Javi. I had met Javi during track season of 7th grade. I was the manager for the girls but helped the boys out from time to time and would catch few conversations with him here and there. Eventually, he tells me to add him on Facebook to which I agree. Who would have guessed though that I friended the wrong Javi and had friended a whole other guy from our rival school with the same name but written differently. Unfortunately the Javi I originally had wanted to friend was a year older and by the time i realized he had gone to high school surely forgetting about me. So, I ended up meeting Javi 2.0 the one who would eventually become my boyfriend months after and he was a year younger than I was. Let me just say it was a roller coaster with him. He ended up lying about who he was and made up a bunch of lies back and forth yet I stuck with him no matter what. We were what they call a on-and-off relationship and looking back now how stupid was I (I'll probably write about these incidents aside in another book or something). Since I was a year older than him I wouldn't be able to see him for sports since highschool does not go up against middle schoolers to which I was glad about.

Time passed and eventually it was time to head to class. Most of them went okay other than me being super shy in all of them, not to mention freaking out because of the tall seniors and how lost I was when it came to finding classrooms but it was good. Everything became a whole lot better once lunch came since I was starving! We all ate the school lunch and headed outside and walked around until class had to start. I realized it my friend Ella had the same class as me after lunch and I couldn't wait. I was so happy there's someone I know for a class. When the bell ringed we made our way to the classroom. As we walked in we look up towards the projected screen on the board, the teacher  made assigned seats and guess who was in the front Our teacher Ms. Rena, had split the desk into 2 sections of the class, leaving a middle isle where the projector laid and I sat on the side facing the windows. Ella ended up somewhere on my side but at the back row. I freaked out as I realized a really tall guy sat next to me. I turned towards Ella's direction only to see another figure blocking my view of her.

It was him.

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