Chapter 4 : The Start of a New Begining - Part 2

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Chapter 4 : The Start of a New Begining - Part 2

We knock on the front door of my house and my Dad opens the front door.

"Sweetie, come in" Dad pauses when he sees Mitch and Bailey, "Who are these young men with you?" Dad asks.

I laugh because I can tell he's really asking if they are my friends or more.

"They're friends" I casually reply.

We walk further into the house and Mum is sitting at the couch in the lounge room.

"Hey, Mum" I smile at her and Dad sits down next to her.

"This is Mitch and Bailey," I gesture to each of them, "they are friends of mine from school" I lie easily and I almost wince as they nod.

Bailey then spins off some story about us all being excepted into some special boarding school for our last year of school. Dad and Mum just nod and believe everything he says. I excuse myself and go to my room I can't handle the thought of leaving them. I quickly grab stuff and pack my bags.

I grab everything I need and then I grab a few things that are special to me or that will help pass time. I sit on my bed and look around my room, the reality of what happens to me crashes down on me and I start to cry. I grab the box if tissues that were on my bedside table, and start to clean myself up as I stop crying. I here a knock on the door and Bailey just walks in.

"Are you done packing yet..." Bailey stops talking and his voice softens when he sees my tear stained face.

"Ashlee, are you ok?" he asks me and I just ignore him. I hand him my suitcase and walk past him into the bathroom. I wash my face and pack a tiny case full of stuff from the bathroom. I'm becoming really angry why did Bailey almost sound like he cares? He's always been rude to me all afternoon and now he sees me at my moment of weakness and acts like he gives a damn about me. I punch the wall next to me and it leaves a slight dint. I look down at my buckles they are red and look like they will bruise. I just ignore the pain, feeling numb inside and out.

I head out to the lounge room and walk up to my parents. They stand and give me a hug each. I said my goodbyes and then we left. I sat in Bailey's car trying not to cry, I was going to miss them. I notice both Mitch and Bailey sharing a concerned look but they both say nothing.


When we got back to Bailey's house, I flopped onto the couch in the second living room, that was where I was sleeping. I didn't want to go to Guide training but I knew I had to. I laid there and looked at the ceiling getting lost in my slightly depressive thoughts. I was rudely interrupted when Bailey came in and flopped on the double couch-bed thingy.

"Do you mind, I was sinking into a pit of despite also know as my thoughts" I spit sarcastically.

"I am sorry about all of this I didn't want to drag you into this. I had to though" he sighs and sits with his head in his hands. He suddenly sat up and looked at me and there was no emotion on his face or in his eyes. I was starting to feel very uncomfortable around Bailey his mood and attitude towards me were all over the place. I didn't know how to act around him.

"It was just a matter of time before they found me" I sigh in frustration.

"Yeah that's true. By the way you're getting the new training method" Bailey states.

"What's that?"

"No idea" Bailey answers quickly, I think I'm going to call him robot Bailey when he's like this, I laugh to myself quietly.

"Why are you laughing?" Bailey asks leaning closer to me and I move away, he looks so sinister when he's like this it actually scares me a bit.

"Nothing, I was thinking about something that was a little funny" I mumble quietly. Bailey backs off but he still looks angry.

"Okay, get as much sleep as you can this weekend you will need it for Monday, when you start your training" Bailey says and his voice sounds distant. He closes the door and I hear him walk away, I lay down and curl into a ball as I fall to sleep.



Sorry for not updating on time, I've been enjoying my holidays and I've been writing a new chapter for all my books at once. I finished this one today so it can be a late Christmas present for all of you reading this.

I will update in a week or two, I will try to make the chapter a little longer too. I hope you guys are enjoying the book so far.






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