Chapter 6.

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(Percys POV)

Where is she? What if Hades got hold of her, wait quit thinking like that, I ordered myself.

"Can you help me find a Percy Jackson please?" I herd someone ask it sounded like Vialot, I didn't hear a reply so who ever it must off ansered, by shaking there head, "Thanks Nico." she chimed,

"Wait right here." Nico said, the next thing I know is that I'm being dragged into darkness, "Dude calm down that hurt". Go get your sister. He wishpered in my ear pointing towards Vialot, sat against the ally wall withher knees brought up to her chest and her face was hidden by both, her hair and knees, what's she doing? No my sister is crying, it broke my heart to see her like this, how come I never noticed her shaking vilontly before?

"Vialot." I said,

"Percy? Is that you? Percy, if its you your scaring me." she cried, just then I realised I was still in the shadows, so I stepped out at the same time as her jummping up and flinging her arms round me in a bear hug.

"Wow Vi, you got a grip." I chuckled, trying to get out of her hug, "Erm Vi could you please lossen or let go, I need air." I laughed, when she backed away whilst blushing,

"S-sorry. What happened with Poseidon, Aphrodite and Zuse?" She asked,

"Vialot listen to me, ignor Aphrodite she is selfish, and you should call Poseidon 'dad'." I explained,

"But I don't know him and he don't know me." she countered,

"He has known you your whole life and soon you will relise that even without knowing it you have known him your whole life as well." I explained whilst she looked at me like I was crazy, "Nico, can you get us back to the beach?"

"Of corse I can."he replied "Wouldn't of been able to get you here if I couldn't."

(Poseidon's POV)


"Yes brother?"

"Do you think she will be okay? Like with the fact that her own mother doesn't want her, and her being a god an all?" I asked worry sinking into every word

"Posei- I err mean dad? I'm err I'm sorry for running off like that its just a lot to take in that's all." She said scratching the back of her neck,

"That's okay darling." I said squashing her in a bear hug, then I heard a noise coming from behind us and as I turned I seen Zeus, Percy, Annabeth and Aphrodite getting knocked to the ground but before I could do anything I was pushed back, before everything I heard and seen her shout for me and Percy whilst glowing purple color and crying her eyes out.

(Violets POV)

"DAD!" I screamed as he got knocked down just then I realized I was glowing,


Thunder and lightning now everything is just perfect, wait a minute didn't I control the thunder

and lightning, I aimed for the beast that was charging towards me, just when I thought I got it I missed, oh crap.


Hey sorry for the long wait had really bad writers block sorry its really short as well but I hope you enjoy it.

Just a quick question, should I write a Riker Lynch Fan Fic?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 10, 2013 ⏰

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