Chapter 11 - Do We Have A Deal?

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I heard the voices long before I got a glimpse of them. I seriously wondered how it was so many vampires were killed by these idiots seeing all they seemed to do was fight. Or maybe that was just the baby hunters. He wanted her back at the safe house after a death. She said she wasn't going until she tracked me down and made me pay.

Made me pay? What the fuck had I done now? Well, apart from whatever reason that the Nicholl's family had been chasing me for years for. Apparently I'd been up to something tonight to cause trouble that I didn't know about. After my forced conversation with the hunter, I'd called up Alex to bounce my idea off him. As usual, he decided I was insane so after a couple of beers and him trying to persuade me that I was a moron, I left. I'd then ended up here, listening to this crap. I hadn't killed anyone tonight and I would sure as hell remember that.

Killing was something you didn't forget, even as a baby vampire. Every sense in your body is alive as if you've been jolted by electricity. You would swear you could feel your heart beat again, even as you drown in the sight and the smell of spilt blood. If humans thought about the thing that makes them feel the greatest high and amplified it, that's how a vampire feels. Not exactly something you would forget doing. I'd killed many people in my time but that was one I hadn't added to my tally. My attention was drawn back to the hunters as the door suddenly flung open and the fight spilled outside.

'You're damn crazy,' he shouted at her.

'No, you're the crazy one if you think I'm putting anyone else in danger, especially after tonight,' she replied.

He moved pretty quickly after that as she pulled a gun on him. I doubt she would have shot him but he obviously thought she was capable of it because I've never seen anyone move so quickly in my life. Quick enough that by the time he'd bolted down the stairs, the old lady in the room was outside complaining about the noise.

Actually, if I didn't think this little scene was going to be a pain in my ass, I would have had a good laugh. She stood in front of the door, her shirt spattered with blood, aiming the gun at the boy while the old lady stood below and continued complaining about the noise, threatening to call the police when she saw the gun.

'Like they would give a fuck,' she shouted back to the old bag.

In this part of town, she was right. The cops would only put in an appearance if shots were fired and a dead body turned up. All losers, drifters and drug dealers here as far as they were concerned. As soon as he took off in his truck, she went back inside, the door vibrating on its hinges as she slammed it. Damn, she was really pissed off.

This was so not looking good for me.



Damn asshole. Antonio just didn't get it. He was all about getting me out of this now but there was no point. I was in this deeper than a shark in a tank with no way out. I'd almost been killed, Rebecca was dead and it was clear to me that whoever was behind everything was not just going to call it a day. Why didn't he see that? It didn't matter where I went, someone would follow and I refused to live the rest of my life like that.

I paced the room for awhile like a tiger trapped in a cage, wanting to hit something but that would just be detremental to my cause. If I injured myself, I couldn't fight and if I couldn't fight, I was easy prey. I needed to calm down and quick. Stripping off my sweaty and bloody clothing, I stood under the shower, just letting the warm flow of water wash away the flood of rage. Can't say it was a magic cure, but it helped to relax my muscles at least. That's when I heard the outside door click open. Couldn't he take a hint?

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