Chapter 7: I Am

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Konnichiwa! So so sowwy I was gone for a long time...I've been busy making songs and I totally forgot about wattpad! But...I'm back now so I hope you like my next chappie! Have a blast!


        I pushed the twin rats away from me and hurried over to Mori hiding behind him, hands on his shoulders. Surely, he will save me from Hikaru and Kaoru. I hope. A long silence filled the room till the so called, "king" stood up. "So I fellow subjects are...rather mute now. And it's up to me to-"

"Can it butthead! Nobody told you to talk!" Hikaru yelled sending Tamaki to his emo void of darkness. 

I shook my head and said  the first thing that came to my head, "Let's just forget about this and play I Am." Really?!?! That's like...a kid game! Kaoru looked at me with one of his eyebrows raised. "Wow ___, I didn't know you still played kid games..."





"I SWEAR YOU'RE THE CUTEST GIRL EVER! PLAYING SUCH INNOCENT, CHILDISH GAMES! M-M-! GIRL...BUT I KNOW YOU'RE A LITTLE NAUGHTY! RIGHT?" he finished. A pale, blank stare spread throughout my face. "No..."

"C-can I start!" Honey said in a giggle voice. I nodded in response. "Okay! *giggle*" Honey tried his best to stare at us seriously...but he can't help but laugh. "I'm sorry*giggle*that was supposed to be Takashi! *giggle*Okay...nevermind Kao-chan you can go first!" Honey said. Kaoru stared at his most different clone head to toe. He took the pink headband that I was wearing and put it on. He pointed at it. "Headphones...Look I like music. I like Haruhi and she doesn't even like me back!" Kaoru snorted. "Hey! Kaoru that's not cool!" Hikaru said. Kaoru snorted again. I scanned Hikaru's angry, red, face. "Why don't you ask her out?" I asked. He looked at me surprised but gazing at me sadly. "I-I...don't wanna." he said. "Plus, he already likes Tamaki!" Kaoru said. Hikaru shot Kaoru a displeasing glare. "No wonder she doesn't like you...your a pervert, an ass, and way too chicken to ask her out!" The group stared at me. "Oops...did I say that out loud?" I said. Hikaru looked down and clenched his fists. "Why are you two making fun of me for that! Y-you don't understand!" Hikaru said. With that, he fled...and I almost felt a little pity for him. "Wait...Hikaru you know we were just joking..." Kaoru said running after his older twin. "Well maybe you are! But how about ___!" he yelled. I gasped. Nobody has ever put my name in a negative sentence before. I looked down and frowned. Maybe, that was the wrong thing to say. 

10 minutes later...

Kaoru storms in. "He won't talk to me!" he yelled. "Hold on...give me a minute." I said. "Where are you going" Haruhi asked. I held my head up high. "Gonna say my first REAL apology!" and with that, I ran outside where I'm guessing, Hikaru must be. I saw him balling his eyes out sitting on a bench. When he saw me standing there, he turned away. "Hikaru you baby...get up!" I said. "You know I was just joking! So, get up!" still no resonse. I kicked his shin. "C'MON GET UP! KAORU'S WAITING FOR YOU! MORI AND HONEY ARE WAITING FOR YOU! TAMAKI'S WAITING FOR YOU! HARUHI IS...AND I-I-I'm...waiting for you." he was shocked at what I just said and turned around. "Did you just waiting" he said tenderly. "Y-y-*gulp*-yes...I'm s-sorry...I may not give the perect apologies but this is my first and I'm trying. I'm sorry...I shouldn't have said that...but why make a big deal about it?" I said. "I like Haruhi...Haruhi likes boss...boss likes Haruhi...and I don't wanna steal Haruhi away from him if they really mean that much to each other. Plus, I already have a remedy." He smiled. "Really? What?" 

"Ugh! Really had to ask? As if it wasn't obvious enough!"


"*rolls eyes* You! You're my remedy!" he put his hand on mine, sending shivers through my spine. I pulled away. "Hikaru...I shouldn't be-" "Shhh-shhh...just admit want me." he said. W-want!?! Him!?!?! WTF! "What?!?! No! I do not want you!" I yelled. "Mhm...then why is such a shy girl like you...yelling so loud just trying to make that point, why are you here trying to comfort me right now, why are you blushing so madly?" he said. I put my hands on my cheeks. "I-I-I I'm wearing blush!"  he raised an eyebrow. "Right..." I looked away. "Did you not like how tempted I was to kiss you?" He asked. I felt my face grow hotter. I looked at him. "Stop that! Stop trying to make me fall for you! It won't work!" I yelled. He stared. "I don't know..." I whispered. He lifted my face up and scooted closer  to me. "If I told you that I want to kiss you right badly, how would you react?" I smiled. I don't know why, but something about what he just said makes me feel so warm and fuzzy inside. I snapped back to reality and realized what was going on. My eyes grew wide and I freaked out. I ran away and bolted out the house door, not knowing where I was going, but anywhere but here. Next thing I know, BAM!!! I felt a cold liquid touching my fingers, neck, shoulders, and arms. I couldn't move and suddenly I couldn't see. My eyes shut. It was then, that I couldn't hear, see, feel, or breathe in anything. It felt as is if I was turning to stone. Not being able to do anything.

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