[ 14 ]

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It is now 4:30 and the last class has just ended. Mina is now waiting beside her car. After a minute, she saw Chaeyoung on her way to her. She smiles at her and open the door to the shotgun seat of the car. Mina puts her hand above Chaeyoung's head as she goes inside the car to avoid her head bumping. She closes the door for her and jogs her way to other side of the car.

"How's school?" Mina asked as she starts the engine.

"Fine. Yours?" Chaeyoung said.

"Not so great since I miss you." Mina said as she pouts.

"You're really sweet." Chaeyoung complimented Mina.

"Did I make your heart flutter?" Mina asked.

"Yes. Oops. I can't do that." Chaeyoung said.

"Why not?" Mina questioned.

"It's too early." Chaeyoung reasoned out as she looks down.

As on cue the road is on red light so Mina stops the car. She looks at Chaeyoung and she held her hand which is on top of her lap. Chaeyoung look at her in response.

"It's not early because mine flutter every time I see you even when I first saw you." Mina looks sincerely at Chaeyoung.

A pink tint appear in Chaeyoung's face from Mina's words.

Mina starts the car the the light goes green without letting Chaeyoung hand go.

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