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The party is already wild, packed and out of control before we even arrive.

As always, my hand is taken in his and I'm pulled effortlessly behind Matty as he strides towards his band members house, giving the odd nod and greeting to the few people calling his name. Both males and females giving him the attention he always attracts.

Matty suddenly stops in his tracks as soon as he's through the door and yanks me forward, as if to showcase me to everyone.

Heads turn towards me. Some I know, some I've never seen before. But my mind is instantly put at ease when that friendly giant we all know and love, comes charging towards us, arms out to envelope me.

"Here she is" George shouts over the music just as I'm pulled into him.

"Your mum is going to kill you" I chuckle, again taking in all the random, drunken bodies in here that were half paralytic, shouting and rowdy, making this place a state.

He grins down at me with a shrug, "not gonna be here much longer to have to deal with the wrath of her, am I?" He grins. "When we're off living our best lives"

I force a smile at him as my focus drops from his last sentence.
Again, that reminder hits. Thrashing into me that soon enough, while these are 'living their best lives' I'll be living my worst and struggling through it.

All the guys were friends of mine, so it wasn't just Matty I was losing. What was I going to do without them all? They were the only people I truly classed as friends of mine.

"Shit" George mutters, averting his eyes to the side quickly, realising he'd just upset me as he throws me a wary look, before sending apologetic eyes straight to Matty who was now stood shaking his head, a pissed off expression now over his face.

I quickly excuse myself, heading straight to the back of the room for a drink. Hearing Matty's voice now raised as he speaks to him.

"Yeah, good going, mate!" He scoffs and quickly begins heading back towards me.

He stands for a few seconds, just watching and choosing not to speak as I proceed to down a full bottle of beer, then reach for another and do the exact same. Though he does watch on with a half impressed smirk.

"Look" he sighs, blowing a heavy mouthful of air out his mouth. Giving me that saddened, guilty look again. "I do know how hard this is"

"No you don't" I fire back suddenly.

"And how do you work that one out when I'm in the same situation here. Being away from you. Missing you.....?"

I turn to face him, a scowl etched over my face at his words. I reach and open my third bottle, suddenly aware alcohol was going to be my only friend tonight.

I scoff out loud, with an over the top eye roll at his words. Suddenly aware the alcohol was hitting me quickly, giving me a new sense of confidence here.

"What?" Matty hits, now looking semi annoyed with my sudden attitude - that he never knew how handle from me.
"Come on, say what's on your mind, Hayels" he orders, his eyes now glaring into me.

I quickly decide against yet another fall out with my best friend. Not tonight. Not so soon after our last one, and attempt to stride straight past him, but of course I'm stopped when his hand grabs at my lower arm.

It seems once again, I'd struck at a nerve with Matty. And Matty being Matty, never backed down from any argument or debate, with anyone.

Me&YouTogetherStory.... •M•T•Healy•Where stories live. Discover now