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"I didn't know you had it in you!" Jess calls across to me in admiration as I finish chugging back my fourth cup of... well, whatever the hell was im this bowl of alcoholic beverage. It didn't taste all that great, but I wasn't drinking for the taste tonight... I needed to quickly get drunk, and forget all about Matthew fucking Healy.

He was out there having the time of his life, it was time I started doing the same. Time I moved on with my life, just as they were doing.

It's not until I pull out my phone  to check the time, I realise just how quickly the alcohol has taken affect when my vision blurs.

I blink quickly, as if stupidly thinking that would clear my vision. And begin laughing at the state I'm in as I bring my phone closer to my face to read the messages on the screen.

I continue to giggle in my drunken state as I attempt to open and read all of Matty's text messages that I hadn't even realised he'd sent.

How's the party??

Missing u a lot!

Hope ur being
safe. Don't drink
2much u lightweight

You ok? Not heard
back from you.
I worry, so let
me know ur good pls

Still in a mood with this boy, I quickly decide to play him at his own game. And leave him on read, smiling proudly at myself as I shove my phone back into my pocket, just as Jess and Joe join me again. Jess takes the drink from my hand and places it down as her boyfriend takes my other hand and pulls me into the middle of the living room to dance with the rest of the drunken moving bodies in here.

"How was the pill?" Joe shouts into my ear as Jess now joins us and we all jump around together.

I shake my head, aware my heads beginning to feel fuzzy from all the alcohol inside of me. "I didn't take it" I answer, tapping at my jeans pocket to tell them I still had it.

"Saving it for later?" He asks through a grin, taking my hand again as he twirls us both round at the same time.

I continue dancing, reaching for a drink off the side and taking a mouthful before answering "I don't do drugs"

Jess gives her boyfriend a wary look, and speaks before him. "It's not class A's or anything" she tells me with an over exaggerated eye roll.

"It's a bit of modafinil, nothing major" he shrugs.

"As in what people with ADHD take?" I ask in disbelief, but I'm the doctor trainee here, of course I know that's what it is.

"All the students are taking them, google it" Jess states. Seemingly on his side here and seeing no wrong in it.

"It's basically just like a stronger caffeine, honestly. Everyone's noticed you look half dead at work" he says through laughter. And Jess joins in.

Tiredness, with a mix of depression will do that to a person...

Joe's body suddenly comes to stand still as he turns to face me properly.

"Listen, I didn't have to do this for you. This shits hard to get hold of, Jess said you were struggling with your studies and juggling between jobs. But if you can't see I'm only trying to help then-"

"No, I know" I sigh, forcing a smile at him.

Instantly I'm made to feel guilty. Was I coming across as a bitch here? Ungrateful? I couldn't help but think I needed these people as my friends right now, because it's not like I had anyone else here now.

"I will do it, I will. And thanks. Thank you, really. I owe you" I say, over compensating with my gratitude, receiving a stern nod from him and then Jess.

"Go on then. Get it swallowed" he orders.

"What, now?"

I wasn't necessarily needing it right now. I wasn't working until the day after tomorrow and I wasn't back at college for a few days.

"Why not" they both say in unison. Watching me with intense eyes, as they get out their own bag of drugs - cocaine.

And I don't know whether it's stupidity, desperateness to fit in, or if it was the drink clouding my judgement at this moment in time. But I shock myself with my next set of words.

"I'd much rather try what you guys are taking."

Me&YouTogetherStory.... •M•T•Healy•Where stories live. Discover now