Chapter 2

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Two days later, I was walking into my new school. It was so posh; hard to believe that it was an 'Academy for Delinquents'. I walked in through the front gate, into the huge courtyard. Turning, I looked around me in awe.

Students were piling in from all directions. Everyone was dressed in the same uniform. It consisted of a white shirt, a red tie, a black blazer and skirt for the girls. The guys had the same, except they wore pants. How funny would it be if it were reversed and they wore skirts, while girls wore pants. I snickered at my thought process.

Suddenly feeling self conscious, I adjusted my tie and pulled my skirt a little lower. Well I tried too. For a school uniform, the skirt was pretty short. It ended mid-thigh. This was really not comfortable, seeing as I had never worn a skirt this short before. Ever.

Just then a couple of guys passed by me and wolf whistled whilst checking me out. I could feel the anger rising up in me, but I quickly suppressed it. Feeling proud of myself, I marched into the school building; I looked left and right, searching for the office. I needed to pick up my class schedule and a map of this place. Yeah, I definitely needed a map.

After getting lost a few times, okay a lot, I finally found the office. I strutted inside and went up to the receptionist. "Excuse me, I'm Sienna Montgomery. The new student."

"You're one of many darling." The old lady sitting behind the desk told me.

"What do you mean?"

"I mean, this is where the court sends all their juveniles. Our state's system doesn't believe in sending troubled young people to juvy. So they all mostly end up here. If they get kicked out of here, then they go to juvy or jail even." She explained.

"Oh." I nodded my head. "Um, so can I please have my class schedule?"

"Oh yes!" She reached into a drawer and brought out a file. My file. It was thick, really thick. She leafed through it until she found the required documents. "Here you go Miss Montgomery. Your class schedule, your map and your locker combination." She handed me the sheets of paper and quickly closed the file.

"Well," I hesitated for a bit, "thank you."

She smiled politely at me. I took that as my cue to walk out.


Sighing, I trudged out of class. It was my third class today. I was tired already and could not wait for lunch. Not that I expected the cafeteria food to taste good. Although I've heard from multiple people that it's quite appetizing.

Being the new girl was terrible. Although Missus receptionist was right. There were a lot of new kids apart from me as well. I started walking towards the right wing of the school, head down staring at the map. I was trying to figure out where my next class was.

That's when I bumped into someone. Hard. So hard that I fell over and landed on my butt. My books fell out of my arms and scattered everywhere. Frowning, I looked up to see the person I hit. The sight that met my eyes was one I did not expect. There standing in front of me was one of the cutest guys I had seen at this school. For the first time after breaking up with Luke, I saw a guy who made my heart beat a little faster.

He stared down at me as I stared up at him. He bent down and sorted my stuff together. Meanwhile, I was still sprawled out on the ground, staring at him. He was blond and blue eyed. To be honest, he looked like an angel who had fallen from heaven. No jokes.

A bit of his hair fell into his eyes. He flicked it away. After he had helped sort my stuff out, he looked at me and smiled. A tiny cute smile. He reached for my hand and pulled me to my feet. Just as I had snapped out of my trance and was about to say something, the bell rang. The boy quickly disappeared in the opposite direction of where I was going.

After a few seconds, I realized the bell had gone and I was going to be late for class. I took off in a sprint in the direction where I assumed my class was. Key word being 'assumed'.


After my encounter with mystery boy, the day seemed to go by quickly. I had just my last class to attend. That was psychology. Honestly, all I could think about through the day was him. It was slightly irritating. I had other things to think about. Like how I was supposed to stay out of trouble for a whole year. I know it's impossible. Trouble and I, we're like a secret couple. It's like a guy I'm having an affair with. I know trouble is bad for me and I want to leave it, but it's so good for a little while. Then come the consequences and I immediately regret it later.

As I was thinking these thoughts, the late bell went. Oh great. This is what happens when I think too much. I took off running down the hall, searching for my class. Psychology was my favorite class. I could not afford to give the teacher a bad impression on my first day. I shot through the building like a bullet, looking for the right room number. I knew I was in the right building, thankfully.

A few minutes later, I found the room. I stopped outside the door for a second, just to catch my breath. Taking a deep breath, I yanked the door open. "I'm so sorry I'm late." I blurted as I stepped into the room. The class had already begun.

I quickly glanced at the students seated in front of me. There in the last row I could see a free seat. I checked who was sitting next to it. It shocked me to see mystery guy sitting there. Recognition flashed through his bright blue eyes as he saw me.

My eyes quickly travelled to the teacher. His back was still facing me. He was saying something to the class. He dug around in his drawer for something, the register I'm guessing. I stared at his back. His figure looked so familiar. A million memories flooded me.

Finally, the register was found and the teacher started to turn. That's when it clicked. My eyes widened in shock as the familiar voice spoke. No matter how hard I had tried, I could never forget his voice.

He had fully turned now. His head bowed, looking for my name on the register. "Ah, a new student. You must be-" He stopped speaking and slowly raised his head. Shock was clearly written all over his face. "Sienna Montgomery." He completed.

We both stared at each other, for a few seconds, in shock, our eyes connecting. There standing in front of me was the guy who once made me happy to wake up every morning, then went to making me hate life. Before me stood Luke. I could feel the tension in the room. You could cut it with a knife.

I remembered seeing his back as he walked away from me. From us. In a sudden fit of anger, I marched over to Luke. I glared at him angrily before raising my hand and slapping him across his face.

Oh crap. I had just slapped my teacher who happens to be the ex-boyfriend that broke me and my heart.

**Ooo. Didn't see that coming did ya? xD Vote and comment for moore! :D**

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