Chapter 3

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One of my fav songs right now. If you listen close you can hear RM saying 'yeah' during the main part and it always sends chills down my spine. 

I struggled against the thugs as they dragged me up a flight of stairs and down a long hallway, screaming all the way for them to let me go. Neither of them said a word as they threw me into the room at the end of the hall and slammed the door shut. I gasped in pain as my wrist twisted strangely underneath me, a sharp stab of pain shooting up my arm. I lay there for a while, the pain paralyzing me as I tried to catch my breath. After what seemed like hours, but was probably only a few minutes, the pain lessened enough for me to shakily get to my feet. 

I almost barfed when I glanced at my wrist to see it twisted at an odd angle. God, as if it couldn't get any worse already. Taking a few deep breaths and pushing the pain to the back of my mind*,  I examined the room they threw me in. There was no way in hell I was staying here. Not with some kind of gang who were most likely gonna sell me for body parts after they tore apart the apartment. I wouldn't let myself think about why they kidnapped me in the first place. It was bound to happen some day. That's why I needed to get out of here. If I could get back home before they did, I could grab my 'runaway' bag and get the hell out of this city.

Nothing in the room they stuck me in exactly screamed 'escape here!'. It seemed to be some sort of guest bedroom, modestly decorated in a soft grey and green scheme. There was a set of windows on one wall but on closer inspection, I was at least three stories off the ground and there was an electromagnetic lock on the windows. The bathroom had no windows at all, and the vent was too small for me to fit through.

My only option would be to go through the door I came from. They were bound to have someone check on me if I made enough noise, I would just have to find some sort of weapon to bring them down with...

I smirked when I saw the cylinder vase in the corner of the room, holding a big bouquet of flowers. It looked like I could easily fit my hand around it. Now I just had to create enough noise for them to investigate, easy enough. Keeping my injured arm against my body, I emptied the vase into the bathtub and moved behind the door to lie in wait for my victim. I took a deep breath and let out as loud of a scream as I could, channeling all my frustration and pain into it.

I heard running footsteps before I even closed my mouth, and cocked my arm back, waiting to see the top of someones head burst through the door. I didn't have to wait long as the door slammed open and a large figure rushed in.  I closed my eyes and swung as hard as I could. 

The impact jarred my arm and I heard a muffled grunt followed by the thud of something heavy hitting the floor. I opened my eyes to see the one called Ryker lying unconscious on the ground. Surprisingly, the vase hadn't broken, that was probably why I was able to knock him out. I don't think it would have worked with a fragile vase. 

"Sorry." I whispered as I stepped over him and into the hallway, checking to see if anyone else had come to investigate the noise. The room was clear, but I did see a chair at the other end of the hall. Ryker was probably told to sit there to make sure I didn't leave the room or something. Coast clear, I made my way down the hallway, trying to remember the path I had taken to get here. Granted, I had been unconscious when they brought me into the house but I'm sure I could find my way out easy enough. I just had to avoid being seen. 

I had to be in some kind of mansion or something because I passed what looked like several different lounge areas and the biggest library I had ever seen. It made me question why they kept me here. They didn't look like they needed the money. My apartment wouldn't have given them much anyway.  

It took me a while, but I finally found a spiral staircase leading down, stopping at each floor along the way. I still had yet to find a single person here. They had to have had more then one person guarding me, unless they didn't think I was much of a threat, which was actually more then true. 

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