Chapter 4

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Fingers slowly raked through my hair, massaging my temples and the back of my neck. I let out a quiet moan at the pleasant sensation, pushing my head further into the large hand. There was a deep rumble that vibrated through me. Someone was chuckling, and the movement stopped. 

"Noooo." I groaned, reaching out blindly for that soothing touch.

"You were right about him being a natural at it. He's even doing it when he's asleep. How cute." 

I frowned at the voice, annoyed that they were talking so loud and waking me up from the best sleep I've ever had. 

"Go 'way." I mumbled, cuddling further against the heated pillow. Said pillow let out a deep chuckle, sending vibrations rumbling through me. 

"That's no way to talk to your elders little one." I froze at the voice. Memories of the past day rushed through me, my eyes flying open. I made to jump back when a sharp pain shot through my arm, making me whimper and fold back onto the bed. 

"Calm down little one, that cast means  you shouldn't be moving around like that." I took a shaky breath and sat up slowly, keeping my eyes downcast as I scooted back. 

"Better. Now drink this. You've been asleep for almost a full day so I'm sure your throat is rather dry." I took the glass, staring suspiciously at the clear liquid, wondering what kind of odorless, colorless poison they put inside. 

"I'm not going to drug you. Do you not realize that you've been asleep in my bed for the past 10 hours? If I wanted to do anything to you I would have done it already." I scoffed at this and made to put the glass on the table.

The man sighed and took a swig of the liquid, staring intently at me. 

"Do you believe me now? Drink the water, you need to hydrate." I watched him for a moment, waiting to see him suddenly keel over. When he didn't, I begrudgingly sipped at the water, feeling like some kind of animal being watched through the bars of the cage. 

The man stood up once I had finished the water, seemingly satisfied. He gestured toward another man standing off to the side.

"Leon, show the boy to the kitchen and have someone make him some food, then bring him to my study. There are a few things we need to discuss."

I didn't move as the man left the room, focusing on Leon now. He heaved a sigh, muttering something about babysitting under his breath before motioning me to follow him. I swung my legs over the side of the bed, eyes going wide as I noticed the foot of space still between me and the floor. I awkwardly slid off the bed, holding my wrapped arm against my chest.

I stumbled after Leon as he took long strides out of the room and down the hallway. He led me down a flight of stairs and past several closed doors before opening on into a large industrial sized kitchen filled with all sorts of yummy smells.

Leon snapped his fingers at one of the chefs then pointed to me. "He needs some food, quickly." The chef nodded before turning back to his work.

"Sit down kid," Leon said, pointing to a small table off in the corner. I sat down quickly, eyes still wandering around the kitchen.

Not five minutes later, the chef gave me a sub sandwich cut in half with some carrots and ranch. I almost moaned at the first bit, wondering how a sandwich could taste so good. Within moments, the sandwich was done and I was scooping up the rest of the ranch with my last carrot.

"You done yet? Can't keep the boss waiting." I almost choked on the carrot, too absorbed in eating to remember why I was here. I nodded my thanks at the chef as Leon led me out of the kitchen and down the hall to another set  of stairs winding up.

The stairs led to a balcony with a single set of double doors. Leon knocked twice before opening the door. He looked at me and gave a sarcastic bow,

"After you."

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