D/N joins a mission

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So, since i'm a piece of garbage and I barely write on Wattpad, I'm starting a different approach.

I'm gonna do it like how I write my other book, Oblivion. I'm gonna write the chapter on Google docs first, then just copy and paste.

I don't know if this is true but I think I seem to write faster on Docs, this of course, is not a proven fact and my updates may still be crap and really far apart.

D/N ended up sleeping outside, Cynder insisted on coming with her. Nobody argued about it.

The next day everyone planned on doing what they did yesterday.


"Alright, flight lesson number two! Hopefully with less violent methods of teaching.." Medix was holding a clipboard so he could track Cynder's progress.

"Medix, Hotshot, we have to go train, could you two stay and watch over them?" Whirl asked, she Wedge and Hoist planned to train together the week before D/N came.

"No problem, you do.. Whatever it is you're gonna go do, we got this!" Hotshot leaned on the wall and fell over.

"Sure.. don't blow the place up." Wedge walked out first. Hoist and Whirl waved to them and went on their way.

"Okay! D/N, Cynder, you do your thing and Medix and I are gonna sit back and make sure nothing bad happens." Hotshot crossed his arms and Medix wrote on his clipboard.

"You may begin when you're ready." Medix said.

D/N grabbed Cynder, like the day before, and threw her across the room. (nice) Cynder flapped her wings once, lifting her higher into the air, and then she slowly glided down to the ground in front of Medix.

"You're already showing great improvement Cynder, good job." he gave a thumbs up and wrote something down. She chirped and ran back to her mother.

They repeated this dozens of times, Cynder improved, but not very much.

On their 37th try the alarms for a mission started blaring.

"Uh oh, mission, uh... you two come with us!" Hotshot grabbed Medix's clipboard and tossed it to the side. "Let's go!"


"Recruits.. And D/N, a fire has started down by the cinema, your job will just be to get the humans to safety and contain the fire, after you do that I'll come in and put it out. Got it?" Heatwave activated the bridge.

"You can count on us!" Whirl yelled.

"Good, rescue bot recruits, roll to the rescue!" he sent everyone through the bridge, Cynder was the first to run through.

When they got there everything was chaos, as they thought it would be.

"Wedge and Medix, go get the humans out of there! Whirl and Hoist, hold the building so it doesn't collapse! Cynder and I will hold the fire back. Oh.. Uh, D/N, go stand over there and we'll send the humans your way! When they get to you shield them from the fire!" Hotshot ordered. Everyone went to do their jobs, it was going well.

D/N ran to her station and waited for the humans. Slowly, they started coming. She stared closely at them, and though they were terrified beyond belief, they let her shield them.

She didn't have much to do so she watched the recruits. She mostly watched her daughter blow ice at the fire to contain it, but she also watched Wedge and Medix getting the humans and sending them over.

Despite the mess it was an easy job, they got it done quickly. Heatwave came through and finished the job and they let the humans go, then they returned to base.

"Since you all did such a smooth job of that, you get the rest of the day off." Heatwave said. The recruits cheered and celebrated, D/N and Cynder broke off from the excitement and went to continue the flight lesson.

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