Chapter 99: The Beast

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90 days since the Convergence.

In the Dark Kingdom, Ghost Rider is riding around in the realm and then come at a complete stop and then spot Morrigan.

In the Dark Kingdom, Ghost Rider is riding around in the realm and then come at a complete stop and then spot Morrigan

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Morrigan: "Tell me Rider, is it business that brings you here, or pleasure?"

Then Ghost Rider got off his bike and talk to Morrigan.

Ghost Rider: "Vengeance."

Morrigan: "Ahh, a bit of both."

Ghost Rider: A million innocent souls have been stolen from the Earth, I seek vengeance against the one responsible."

Then Morrigan gets closer to Ghost Rider's face.

Morrigan: "Then look into my eyes, what do you see?"

Ghost Rider: "You are guilty of many things succubus, but not of this."

Morrigan: "I sense such desire in you, a fire."

Ghost Rider: "For Justice, for retribution."

Morrigan: "Not for me?"

Ghost Rider then all away as Morrigan makes a double of herself I front of Ghost Rider.

Morrigan clone: "Or for me?"

Then Ghost Rider walks away from Morrigan and her clone.

Morrigan and her clone: "No, a pity, we have so much in common: our passion, great bone structure, but if you will not give me what I need."

Morrigan's clone disappeared as she turn to Ghost Rider.

Morrigan: "I will take it from you."

Ghost Rider then pull out his chains.

Ghost Rider: "I have no wish to destroy you succubus."

Morrigan: "Then dance with me rider, in flame and in fire!"

Then you, Dr.Strange, Dante, Zee, Sci-Twi, and Trixie went out of the portal and stop the fight between Ghost Rider and Morrigan.

Dr. Strange: "Enough!"

Morrigan: "By what power do you dare command me mortal!?"

Dr. Strange: "I need only reason."

Dante then pull out his pistols.

Dante: "And failing that, Ebony and Ivory here can be very persuasive."

(Y/N): "What were you two doing?"

Morrigan: "Aw,(Y/N), we were only playing."

Dante: "I've seen how your playtime ends Morrigan."

Dante then turn to Ghost Rider.

Dante: "How's it going Ghost Rider, haven't seen you since The Convergence."

Sci-Twi: "Wait, you've met Ghost Rider?"

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