Chapter 43: Mirror Madness

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After you saved the Daring Do movie from being canned, prevent a camp from being turned into a spa, and you got two more girls into your harem. You and the harem have a VIP pass to the movie theater to see the premier of the new Daring Do movie. But Juniper is feeling angry from what happened to her chance of being in the spotlight of her debut as an actress. She walks down the mall when the music video Dance Magic starring your harem.

Juniper: "Those girls! Ugh! Ahh! First, they get me kicked off the Daring Do set. Now... Ooh! They're everywhere! I bet they'll be at the premiere tonight. I bet I'll be the lucky one ushering them to their seats. Ugh, I wish that (Y/N) was mine and no one else's!"

Then her walkie talkie went off and she answer it.

Boss: "Juniper, where are you? We need you back at the popcorn popper stat."

Juniper then imitates radio static.

Juniper: "What was that... boss? Can't hear you! Losing you!"

She then put her walkie talkie back in her pocket.

Juniper: "If those girls hadn't shown up, I would have played Daring Do! Tonight would have been about me. I would have been a star!

The Kiosk clerk nodded no to Juniper

Juniper: "You're right. They are a bit much."

Then a ball of energy appeared and flown down onto a mirror, and enchant it with it's magic. Giving it a more crystal like appearance. When Juniper pick up the mirror, she can see her reflection as a movie star, she then scream and drop the mirror.

Juniper: "What was that?"

Juniper then pick up the mirror and see her reflection as a movie star.

Juniper then pick up the mirror and see her reflection as a movie star

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???(Hollywood Montage): "Mmwah!"

Juniper: "Incredible!"

Juniper gave the Kiosk clerk money and walk away.

Juniper: "Keep the change. Something tells me this thing's worth it."

Later, you're at a table with your harem and Sunset is writing to Twilight's clone.

Sunset: "Dear Princess Twilight, tonight's the night of the big movie premiere. All my friends are really excited, and I should be, too. Except I can't seem to keep my mind on anything other than our new powers, and the rogue magic that's loose in this world, and how scary but exhilarating it all is. How does it work? How can we be prepared for it? When will it show up again? Well, you see the problem. With the weight of all Equestria on your shoulders, you must have some advice on how to- Oh, no! Shoot."

Pinkie: "What's the matter, Sunset Shimmer?"

Sunset: "Oh, I just ran out of pages in my journal. That's all."

Rainbow: "Chillax, SunShim."

Fluttershy: "Um, who's "SunShim"?"

Rainbow: "That's Sunset Shimmer's new movie star name. I just made it up!"

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