Maddie: Katie , pay attention do me a favor and lets go over the plan.
Andi: Hold on why exactly am I here?
Maddie: So that I can Boss you around.
Andi :You just want me to give a plan so you can win over Diego.
Maddie: Ding Ding ding... Yes, you figured it out In Five minutes .
Plus the panther followers know you like Diego.
Andi : Whaaaaat ?
Sophie: Maddie Made it up. She's so clever.
Maddie: Sophie,if your gonna gossip go hang with Miss Information.
Sophie: Okay,(Sophie runs to Diego's home)
Maddie :Sophie is one of the biggest ding dongs I've ever met.
Andi : You mean the panther that literary blended in to the wall because you said keep an eye on him.
Maddie :That's the one.
Katie: Wait how do you know that?
Andi : Gigi is the sneak of the school...
She's been watching you. Always.
I'm surprised she hasn't found out that Maddie's a Witch yet.
Maddie: The real question is :
How did Diego fool her? I almost became Miss Information news, when I did a spell to turn Jax into a BIRD. I erased her memory.Andi : Jax is afraid of birds.
Maddie: I know !!!!! :)
(sigh ) I'm so mean. I love it.
Andi: I really can't argue with the way you deal with people, because
I LOVE IT.Maddie: Gigi hasn't found out any thing about Diego.
Andi : Maybe Diego is a good liar.
Katie: Trust me he is.... but he's not natural. That makes a big difference.
He'll get a rash.
Andi : That's weird the Hexoren (flying book) said that KANAYS ARE THE BE