Nothing is the Same

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(At school)

Daniel: So , She punched him in the face?

Emma: She even has the strength of a vampire.

I bet that bruise is still throbbing.

(Diego walk and sat with Daniel ,Andi, and Emma)

Andi : Does it hurt?

Diego:  I think I'm in love crazy.

Emma: You think your in love with

Andi ? No offense.

Andi : None taken.

Diego:  Not Andi. No offense.

Andi : It's taken.

Diego:  I like Megan.

Daniel, Andi, Emma, Maddie : What!

(Every one look at Maddie)

Maddie: What? I broke my  nail .


Every Witch Way: Diego is in love with a new girl. Jealous Andi.Where stories live. Discover now