Chapter 22.

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After she finishes my hair and makeup she hands me the bags from earlier and smirks "now go knock his socks off." I smile and hug her "thank you." She hugs me back and laughs sarcastically "you haven't even seen the final makeup look yet?" I turn around and face the mirror "wow!" I look at my face with the full glam makeup "is that me?" She smiles and looks into the mirror beside me "yeah." I look at the bags and laugh nervously "I should go get dressed." She nods and sits down on her bed "text me when you're ready and we can get pictures before you go?" I smile and walk towards the door "I will." I walk into my bedroom and place the bags on the bed "let's see what else she got then." I open the bags and smile at the sparkly heels with a note attached to them "make your own fairy-tale." I smile and place the dress on the bed "that's the plan." After I finish getting ready I text Melissa and I hear her running towards the room and open the door "wow!" I smile and turn around "this look ok?" She has the biggest grin on her face and nods "ok? Girl you look AMAZING!" I smile and turn around in a 360 rotation "now let's get these pictures?" She nods and walks towards me holding her camera "if Nik doesn't see what he is missing then the boy needs his eyes examined." I smile and stand beside her and pose "I'm sure you will be siting by your phone waiting for the details?" She scoffs and presses the button "of course I will." She nods towards the camera and smiles "now smile."

After 100 photos Melissa smiles and nods "done." I sigh in relief and grab my bag "good because I need a drink." I look at my watch and smile "how many drinks do you think I can drink in 30 minutes?" Melissa smiles and follows me out the door "20?" I smile and nod "50 it is." I walk downstairs and into the kitchen where Hades and Leon are playing poker "wow!" Hades looks up and smiles "you look good." Leon turns around and smirks "I hope McCormack knows how lucky he is." I roll my eyes and grab the vodka on the table "he is a boy? Of course he doesn't." Leon holds a glass up and smiles "glass?" I nod and take the glass from him "thank you." I pour 4 vodkas and we all take one each and smile "to you having a good night?" I look at Melissa and smile "I will drink to that!" I hear a car horn outside and look at the clock "7oclock already?" I grab my bag and smile "I will see yous tomorrow." I walk towards the door and wave "don't wait up!" I close the door behind me and run towards the car. Nik runs out the car and opens the passenger side door "you look amazing!" I smile and get in "thank you." He closes the door and runs back into the drive side "you look no bad yourself." He kisses my cheek and smiles "are you ready?" I take a deep breath and nod "as ready as I will ever be." He holds my hand and starts the car "let's do this then." I look out the window and towards the front window at Melissa waving as we drive away I wave back and smile.

After a few minutes we get  to a castle and I smile at the beautiful lights leading up to it "wow!" Nik smiles and looks at me "wait until you see inside." I look at the castle and see a large crowd outside walking indoors "everyone is heading inside now." He runs over towards my side and opens my door "let's go in before all the good seats are taking." I get out and he closes the door before holding my hand "let's go." I smile and follow him inside. I look around the beautiful marble walls and smile "this is where I would love to get married." I look at Nik and laugh nervously "not that I think about that kind of thing." He smirks and kisses my cheek "so you know where you want to get married but do you know who?" I laugh nervously and look towards the floor "that's a secret I will never tell." He smirks and rolls his eyes "ok gossip girl." I smirk and follow him into a large hall with tables spread out everywhere. "There are so many people here!" Nik smiles and nods "I have a large family." I laugh nervously and spot the bar "well I will need a drink for this." Nik nods and smiles "ok so you get drinks and I will get us a table." I nod and smile "ok."

I walk towards the bar and take a deep breath as the bartender walks towards me "what can I get you?" I smile and look at him "two vodkas please." He nods and gets two glasses and hands me two vodkas "how much is that?" He smirks and shakes his head "it's a free bar?" I laugh nervously and nod "well this night just got better!" I take the vodkas and scan the room for Nik. I see him waving at me standing beside 2 couples "here goes!" I take a deep breath and walk towards him. He smiles when I approach and nods towards the other 2 couples "these are my cousins Amy and Chloe." I look at the two girls and smile "nice to meet yous." They both smirks and hug me "it's nice to FINALLY meet you." I laugh nervously and look at Nik "you been speaking about me?" He blushes and shrugs "maybe a little."

The next half an hour I follow Nik around and he tries to introduce me to as many people as possible but after so many people I shake my head and smile "I need a break." He smiles softly and kisses my forehead "ok?" I take a deep breath and look towards the bar "I need a drink." He holds my hand and kisses it "want me to come with you?" I look around and shake my head "you go mingle. I will be fine." He smirks and nods "ok. I will come find you in a bit?" I smile and nod firmly "ok." He walks towards another group of people and I take a deep breath before walking towards the bar. "The night getting better?" The bartender walks towards me and smiles "it will not that I'm at the bar and I know it's free." He smirks and grabs a glass and shrugs "vodka?" I laugh nervously and nod "and keep them coming."

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