Chapter 13.

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Nik drops me back off at Melissa's and I see Leon at the front door waiting "here goes." I get out the car and close the door behind me as I walk towards the house "wait!" I look back and see Nik running towards me "what?" He looks at Leon who is crossing his arms looking angry "are you going to be ok?" I look at Leon and smile "off course." He nods and smiles "ok good." He hands me a piece of paper and smirks "I hope this isn't awkward." I look at the paper and smile "what is it?" He blushes and looks towards the ground "my number?" I laugh nervously and shake my head "Nik you are really sweet but." He shakes his head and smirks "nope." He runs back towards his car and shakes his head "if I don't listen to what you are going to say then you can't say it." He smirks and waves "I will be waiting for your text." He gets into his car and drives off.

I stick the number in my pocket and take a deep breath as I walk towards the house. Leon smiles and hugs me "you ok?" I nod and smile "I'm ok." He moves aside too let me in and nods "good." I walk into the hallway entrance and see Melissa run downstairs "was that Nik dropping you off?" I stick my jacket up and nod "he just took me food." She looks me up and down and smirks "like a date?" Leon scoffs and walks towards the living room "off course not, don't be ridiculous!" He looks at me and smirks "his twin brother just kidnapped her and tried to kill her." I laugh nervously and nod at Leon "right." I shrug and look at Melissa "he is cute but Leon is right." I get the piece of paper and smile "too much drama with Nik." I stick the paper in the bin and smile "I'm going for a bath and call it a night."

I walk upstairs and start running a bath as I hear someone knock on the bathroom door. I open it and smile "hey Melissa." She smiles and looks around "are you ok?" I take a deep breath and nod "just a long night." She smiles and hands me a bag "I got you a little something." I open the bag and see a pair off fluffy pyjamas "what are these for?" She smiles and shrugs "it gets cold at night here this time off year and I thought it would be nice for you to have a little something from home?" I look at them and see the Hollywood sign "I love them!" I hug her and smile "can you place them on my bed?" She nods and takes the bag "maybe if you are up for it later we can watch a movie downstairs and talk about your night?" I look around and nod "I would love too. Order pizza in?" She smirks and nods "on it!" She runs off down the hallway and I smile and nod "large one!" I close the bathroom door and get into the bathtub.

I get out the bath and wrap the towel around me before heading into the bedroom. I grab the pyjamas from the bed and see a note "Melissa?!" I look at it and see Nik's number "I binned this for a reason." I roll my eyes and stick it in the bedside drawer and begin getting ready. I grab my phone and head downstairs to join Melissa in the movie room. "Misty?" I look into the living room and see Leon "yeah?" He smirks and walks towards me "are you ok?" He looks towards my wrist and I look at it and nod "I'm good." He walks towards me and holds my hand "you was near the black wolf?" I shake my head and smirk "how did you know?" He rubs it and smiles "it's changed colour." I smile and nod "I saw it last night." He looks me in the eye with worry and shakes his head "are you ok?" I nod and smile "I'm fine." I look towards the cinema room and smile "I should go and join Melissa." He smirks and nods "ok." I smile and wave "see you tomorrow?" He nods and smirks "see you tomorrow."

He runs upstairs and I take a deep breath and walk towards the cinema room and pop my head in "Melissa? Are you in here?" I hear the TV playing so I smile and walk in "I hope you have beer because I need one after today." I close the door behind me and walk towards her. "Did he text you back?" I sit down and look towards the screen "well?" I look at her and raise my eyebrows "what?" She smirks and leans towards me "did he text back?" I laugh nervously and look towards my phone "Nik texted me? How?" I look at her and shake my head "you didn't!" She shrugs and sits up straight "I did." She hands me a beer and smirks "I totally texted him from your phone."

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