Untitled Part 12

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Bella followed the director into his office and sat down on the opposite side of him.

"Your father called me and told me what happened" he started. Bella flinched a little at the reminder and unconsciously rubbed her ears. 

"honestly i am trying to forget" Bella said dryly. 

"Some times going with your gut instinct is a good thing...other times it can get you hurt" The director said sitting back in his chair. 

Bella sighed a little bit. "I know...Im sorry I screwed up" she said. 

"dont be. you screw up you learn. Marie screwed up a lot growing up, but she learned from her mistakes, that is what growing up and learning means" the director said. Bella looked up hearing Marie's name. 

"Marie?" Bella asked sounding puzzled. 

"I raised her," He replied. Bella's eyes widened in surprise. 

"Wait....so you...." Bella stammered a bit. 

"I am your grand father, Not biologically, but i raised Marie, I am her father in every way that her father was not" He explained. "James got his name from me, My name is James Mathew Riddle" he explained.

Bella stared at him stunned. "JMR," she said in surprise. "you are my grand father!" she exclaimed as she sat up. "wait...do you know who my father is?" She asked as she remembered Ares comment about Zeus. 

JMR sighed and shakes his head. "Marie would never tell any one." he replied. "I am not sure if she was scared or if she just wanted to keep it to her self" he replied. 

Bella looked down sadly. Since the wedding she had been trying to find out if what Ares had said was true, but there was no real way of finding out the truth unless she confronted the god himself. Even Hades would not tell her, though at times she did suspect that he wanted to. 

Bella looked up at JMR again. "should i assume that you also know about" Bella trailed off as she spun her ring around her finger nervously. 

"Ah yes i, i did not have the ability to attend, I wanted to but that would have caused some problems" JMR replied. 

"problems?" Bella questioned. 

"Well my sons believe me to be dead" JMR replied. "Cordell knows different, but i have convinced my brother not to tell my sons anything. It is better that they believe me to be gone" he said a little saddened at this. 

"you and walker are brothers!" Bella squeaked stunned looking pale. "wait....have you been telling him everything!!!" She asked a little pale. 

"i have kept him updated yes, I haven't told him everything, but somethings" JMR replied. 

"that explains why he wasn't shocked about me working on that case" Bella said after a moment of thought. "actually, i was a little surprised when he didn't try and stop me" she added as she looked at JMR. 

"I nearly had a heart attack when Cordell called me up and told me that you were in the hospital" He said. Bella reddened a little bit, but she couldn't help but feel a little glad that he had been worried about her. 

"If you are my grand father...then why are you not trying to convince me to go back to the castle?" Bella asked looking at him. 

"oh....i imagine you will go back eventually. You are a lot like your mother. I have no doubt you will make that choice on your own, scorpius is just a little impatient. He always has been" JMR explained. 

"I've notice" Bella said with a scowl. 

"Bella. I hope that what ever he has said that has upset you, does not impact your choice on the kingdom. For two generations the kingdom has not had their true heir sit on the throne. If the third generation, which is you, besides to turn you back on the throne and the kingdom. The kingdom will fall" he explained. Bella stared at him trembling.

She could not believe what she was hearing. "If I don't take over...." She trailed off.

"Then we lose everything. This family has been the royal family of this kingdom since the very beginning. We cannot afford to let our people down. You are the true heir. There is no one else. Scorpius can only stay standing king for so long" he said hoping that she would understand.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 15, 2023 ⏰

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