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Jin's head was laying on Jungkook's lap while Jungkook was running his soft fingers through the brown hair.

Jin was on the verge of sleeping when Jungkook hit him on the forehead.

Jin opened his eyes, "Why you did that for?!",  he said as he sat up from his laying position and rubbed his red forehead.

"I was enjoying the quietness until you came, so get out", Jungkook stood in front of Jin and pointed at the door.

"It took me almost an hour to drive here, yet you are kicking me out?!". Jungkook didn't say anything as he was still pointed towards the door.

Jin got up from the couch and he knew what would make Jungkook not wanting the older to leave. " You know I was planning on going to the mall since you might feel lonely, but I suppose you don't want to go anymore since you want to be alone."

Jin had a fake pout on his face as he was heading towards the door with his back hunched over.

In a blink of an eye, Jungkook was standing in front of Jin with his arms spread open not giving Jin room to leave.

Jin smirked in triumph.


"Jin my feets hurt", Jungkook whines as he slowed down making it seem that Jin was dragging him.

They were currently in the New Core Mall in Suwon city.

Jin dragged Jungkook to an unoccupied bench and when Jungkook's butt checks touched the wooden seat, he sank.  His little double chin showed as he sat comfortably.

Jin sat next to him and slapped his thighs hard, motioning him to sit up.  Jungkook still did it.

"Do u want something?",  Jin asked as he was about to get up and fetch water Jungkook wanted,  but before he could move Jungkook placed his hand on the orders shoulder and shoved him back to his seat.

"No", was Jungkook's reply.

After almost 10 minutes sitting down,  Jungkook's energy came back,  so they started walking again.

They were in a section of clothes.  As Jungkook was running his fingers through the clothes feeling how they felt on his fingers,  he felt something very soft and stopped moving. 

He took put a pair of little baby boy onesies. For the pair of 3, it was only worth 7 in USA dollars.  Jungkook grabbed them and as he was walking he found a cute baby sock,  also for boys. 

Jin came from behind as he saw Jungkook shake.  He cracked his neck forwards to see Jungkook's face,  he was crying while looking at the baby sock.

"Why are you crying?",  Jin asked Jungkook. At that moment,  Jungkook wanted to slap Jin with the socks he found.

"Hyung look.  These are really cute,  how can someone not cry over them.  Look at how small the feet are,  they are also soft. I want them", with determination Jungkook grabbed them and walked away looking for more baby clothes. 

Jin just followed the baby Jungkook.

By the end of the shopping spree,  Jungkook had a bag stuffed with baby stuff,  mostly clothes. Boy clothes. He was really determined that he wanted a baby boy. 

The bag holds blue soft blankets,  socks that look like shoes, blue nipples, more onesies, blue scarf-made hats, and shirts that had a message on them. 

Jungkook also exited with red puffy eyes,  everything he saw that screamed 'baby' he cried.  Jin was looking at him warily.  He thought that he needed to be careful of what he says to Jungkook because Jungkook's is extra sensitive today.

Even during the car ride back to Jungkook's little house, Jungkook went through the stuff that he bought and little tears fell from his eyes.

Jin tried to concentrate on the road but he still took small peaks at the younger making sure he doesn't get overboard with his crying and have his eyes hurt from dryness. It happened once so it will happen again.

When they arrived at their destination, Jungkook exited the car and entered his house closing the door behind him. Jin stayed standing outside of the door since the door was shut in front of his face.

"Hello?" When Jin didn't get a response not did the door open, he decided de try again. "I love you too Jungkook!", this time he screamed and he was sure that Jungkook heard him because the door opened and on the other side of the door was Jungkook with his half-closed puffy eyes.

" Oh, I forgot about you, hehe", Jungkook smiled and allowed Jin to enter. "I love you too but I love Tae more."



"Shut up and let me see your eyes!". "Selfish mother cricket", Jin murmured under his breath.


So.... I have a lot of things to do so don't tell me to update.

I don't know what to make Jungkook do, so I'm going to let you have a peak of other ships.

I don't know what to make Jungkook do, so I'm going to let you have a peak of other ships

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Imma leave now. :))

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