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Hoseok with his red vroom vroom arrived at his destination, Jungkook's house. He really wanted to be home in his bed, looking up at the roof window and figuring the figures of the clouds, but fate decided to bring him there.

1st POV ( Hoseok)

Oh my gosh. How in the hell can Jungkook live with a fat stupid old man as a father? I'm sure he is rude to the poor Kook.

He actually lived in a nice neighborhood, it was actually a middle-class neighborhood. My mom was very smart to grab some fortune out of him when she was pregnant with me, with it she was equipped to raise me and finish school.

I exited my shiny red car and proceeded to walk to the beautiful house, but the person inside was very ugly, did not fit with the description of the house. I physically shivered as goosebumps appeared on my arms and neck making my hairs stand up.

I moved forward to walk up the status and in a matter of seconds, my knuckles were about to touch the dark oak door when I placed my hands back inside my pockets. I rocked back and forwards on my heels, deciding if I should knock or just climb to Jungkook's bedroom door without entering his whore little sister's room.

Instead of killing myself I knocked on the dark oak door, shoving my hands in my pockets waiting for someone to open the door. Having my fingers crossed I hoped to not come across the old man.

I jumped back and got in the defense position with my hands up ready to smack somebody. As I saw it was May I quickly placed my hands back in their positions, inside the front pockets of my pants.

"Who are you?" The girl with light brown hair declared. The only thing that screamed out of her was 'rude'. She looks like one of those YouTubers that do a changeover from hideous to pretty and the outcomes are shocking.

I had to bit my tongue to prevent me from laughing at the young girl's face. "Have you seen Jungkook?", I asked. I had to make sure someone in the family noticed that I kidnapped him.

"Oh... I don't know, he's been gone for a long time. I tried to call his phone but he won't answer-". She was cut off by the noise of a loud honk. It was very loud that it caused her to slightly jump.

Her eyes were wide, very wide that it even looked like they were about to pop out of their sockets. Joy covered her huge eyes and shoved me out of her way.

How can someone small and thin ad her, push me, who is the opposite of her? Handsome, tall, and slightly muscular. I even have more friends than her because I'm literally the sunshine everyone needs in their lives!

Stating facts boo.

The dark wood door was open tempting me to enter, so I did.

I had to hurry up before anyone saw me, which caused me to sweat, but it was cold sweat. Painfully cold.

I almost dropped dead to the floor when I saw a mid-aged woman turning the to the living room. She was very white, wore contacts that were dark green but the green was faded, she also had her lips tainted pink and huge eyes just like May.

The only thing that came thought my mind was, 'Just great, another plastic girl, but for this case, it's a woman'. It's clear that she put on a product that helped lift the eyelid. The eyes were unbelievably huge.

Whore genes were what they had in the Jeon family, including Jungkook. That boy was clearly a whore. His feature just didn't show him as one. His squishy, squishy cheeks. He wasn't that much of a whore, he only got laid with only one person his whole life.

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