Chapter 9: Psychotic Jealous Girlfriend

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Kyro came home smelling of Veta and burgers, he called a bored "Home!" And went digging through the fridge.

I stood, following the scent of Veta and headed to the kitchen pulling out an apple and taking a bite before it was stolen and the pregnant Petra gave me a warning look.

Fine, keep the apple.

"Anything interesting happen at school?" Petra asked Kyro who shrugged and pulled out a frozen pizza.

He eyed it over reading the toppings and then tore the cardboard box open, "Nope, I although I'm sure Veta was planning on killing some girl." He said laughing and putting the pizza onto a pan before tossing it into the oven.

I turned the oven on and adjusted the temperature while he gave me a nod and smile, "Was it that Susie girl?" Petra asked furrowing her brows.

He gave a nod, "Yeah, she's got a big ass head. But obviously it's hollow inside." He said with a scoff before leaning back into the counter.

Gianna walked in and placed down some bags from stores, she'd gone into the city to get clothes and furniture, anything she couldn't find here really.

I went outside and helped her with the bags, grabbing a couple before shutting the trunk and stopping as I caught eyes on Veta.

She was shoveling snow and cursing the shovel as she slipped around pushing it with all her might. 

Part of me found it intriguing to watch, but after realizing her dad won't be home until much later, and by then it'll be too late, I took the bags inside and pulled on a beanie and gloves.

My heart was racing in my chest, but everything in me said I should be doing this, that it's only right.

I headed out the front door and stood on the porch for a few minutes, watching her slam her hand into the shovel, "Come. On!" She said low with anger.

Then she slipped again, landing on her face this time, snow covering half her face before she sat up and punched the snow.

I'll give it to her, she's got determination.

Walking past our driveway, knowing Luca shoveled ours this morning, I headed to the side of the house grabbing our metal snow shovel.

Breathe, be cool, be calm.

"You need help?" I asked Veta, knowing full well that even if she said no, I'd still do it.

She laughed softly, embarrassment turning her a shade of pink, "Last nights snow fall was thick." She tried to give herself justice for the fact she was having trouble.

I gave a nod, "I've got it, you can head inside, get out of the cold." I tried not to sound too pushy and watched her purse her lips and stare at the front door before focusing back on me.

Her eyes moved to the one small square she managed within almost thirty minutes of shoveling.

I walked to the other side and pushed the shovel into the snow, pressing down on it with my boot before lifting the snow and dumping it to the grass.

She stayed quiet, watching me for a few minutes before I heard her shovel dig into the snow.

Her sweat smelt like plums or apricots, whatever her deodorant was, it smelt delicious. She smelt delicious.

After twenty minutes, I had half the driveway shoveled and she was still working on her side, her beanie tucked into her back pocket and her hair all wildy pulled up into some messy bun thing. She had a mark of turquoise paint on her jaw line and a dot of red on her neck.

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