Chapter 18: Veta Mars

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Something was off with him.

"I'm headed to my room. I'm not hungry tonight." Kyro said as he stood and headed to the stairs, running up past Petra.

Glancing back at Anya, she gave me a cold stare and looked away.

She's been angry with me and Ava for the last week, she said she's so embarrassed with what we did to Veta's home, her hospitality, that she can't contain her need to kick our asses.

I don't blame her.

Ava woke up furious, she destroyed my entire room in ten minutes top, I mean the walls, the floorboards-all gone.

Tore the floor boards out with a crowbar and her bare hands.

We had some very heavy, and hot make up sex to fix her attitude and thankfully she quit her fits.

I was okay too, I mean the sex was so amazing that night that I hadn't thought much of Veta, I'd almost forgotten her.


Until I saw her, wide eyed and breathless as she ran around quietly dodging Ava. She was the most breath taking person I'd ever laid my eyes on.

I had to forget her again though. I can't keep this up, I know Ava will never give up.

We had dinner at home, eating lasagna and garlic knots while listening to Dimitri talk about his day at work.

Apparently there was a body found a few miles into the woods, fresh too. Someone they said was from the city, a kindergarten teacher.

She was torn up, barely identifiably like she'd been maimed and tossed under the paws of bears.

"They're hunting the wolves tomorrow, I don't want any of you wolfing for a while. If you do, keep it in the backyard. No woods, not for a while." Dimitri said protectively.

We all gave a nod and after dinner was over, everyone headed off to their own things, Kyro was still gone though and I wondered-what has him so preoccupied lately?

I headed up the stairs and to his room, giving the door a knock, "Hold on!" He shouted and grunted as the sound of him tripping came.


He pulled open the door holding his knee, "What?" He asked looking up at me and stretching his leg out.

The guy looks disheveled, weird, "No wolfing for a while, Dimitri said there's hunters out searching for some stray wolves." I relayed the message and he nodded "Alright." He said questionably.

I leaned in, looking at his face, noticing the dark circles. He hasn't been sleeping, "What's really up?" I asked quietly.

He looked to the stairs and then me, He nodded his head to the room and I stepped inside as he shut the door.

Glancing around his room, I noticed all the posters of hot bikini models taken down, his calendar was even taken down, filled with playboy bunnies.

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