7: protective mama

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Ally: I love this one also kat you don't need to be in the chair for this one

Mitsuki: *still hugging katsuki* why?

Katsuki: *just embracing it*ye why?

Ally: just cause, ok so in this one everyone is pretty much a douche to katsuki including teachers.

Aizawa: wait what-

Ally: hush dadzawa it's a multiverse!

Deku: but I dont wanna be mean to kacchan...that's his job to be mean to me!

Ally: oof ANYWHORE letsago

Katsuki walked the halls of UA his head held low,he could hear the whispers,the snarky remarks,the hateful comments everything... He heard students,his classmates and even teachers put him down.It had being going on all day

How did he get into UA?!
No wonder the villains wanted him!

He didn't let it show but they hurt.Alot.

Mina: baku...

Katsuki: it's fine mina

He walked into class and put his head in his hands, he could feel the glares burning into his skull. He knew he wanted to cry but he wouldn't allow it.What remained of his pride wouldn't allow it.

He held his head their not bothering to look up when people whispered. Until one comment made by a certain girl with a zero gravity quirk made him crumble.

Uraraka: wait what-

Bakusquad (minus baku): *glaring*

Deku:boi you better run...

Uraraka giggled in a sickly sweet way, " I bet his mother doesn't even love him!" She said in an evilly cheerful way just as Aizawa came in and they all scurried to their seats.


Aizawa just started his lecture, katsuki let a tear slip but quickly wiped it away refusing to show weakness. That was until a pair of furious footsteps could be heard but he payed to mind to it... until he was lifted up..." mrs bakugo what-"aizawa was cut off."SHUT THE FUCK UP!" She shouted,still carrying the confused katsuki but he made no effort to escape. Because he tiny and mama  bakugo is strong.

Katsuki: *smiles*

Deku: *snaps pic*

"My mother senses where tingling and I could tell my baby was sad so excuse me but I'll be taking him home now!" She said with rage before walking out. Katsuki didn't mind being carried,he liked it honestly it made him feel protected.

Deku: I'm carrying kacchan a lot more then...

Katsuki: bItCh dont even try!

But only when it was his mum. Katsuki felt the fatigue catch up to him as he quietly fell asleep.

When he woke up he was curled to his mother's side and his dad's arms wrapped round them and by how he looks katsuki assumes he got home from work about an hour ago. Katsuki curled further into his mother and fell back to sleep.

When he woke up again he could hear the quiet talking of his parents,which he assumed was to keep him from waking up." Katsuki?" His father questions softly brushing some of his bangs out of his face."...yeah?" He asked still waking up."why where you upset today baby?" Mitsuki asked, her usual loud,stern tone was replace with a soft,protective one.

Class 1-A: awww!

"It was...just the usual...being called a villain and a monster,people questioning why I'm in UA..." katsuki started to tear up again. He hated this he hated how his quirk automatically made people assume he's a villain, he hated how he is loud and brash, He hated that no matter how hard he tried people where still scared of him!

Mitsuki wiped away his tears,masara  sat him so he was between his two parents in a more comforting position,leaning on his mother's shoulder for support. "Mama...why can't  I be normal?" He sobbed into her shoulder, his father started to comb through his hair with his hand as he was hugged by his mother.

Mitsuki:* whispering to katsuki* I wouldn't have you any other way katsuki.

Katsuki:*hugs her*

"Nobody is normal baby,me and your dad wouldn't have you any other way,sure your loud but that's because your a bakugo! Our name literally means explosion..." she cooed,angry at society for breaking her once proud son. Destroying that sweet boy that was behind the quirk,the boy she only so rarely saw.
"No matter what ,son, we love you no matter what.." his dad added,untangling Katsuki's hair. Katsuki smiled, through tears." I love you too."

Ally: DONE!!!

Class 1-A:...

Katsuki: *asleep on mitsuki's shoulder*

Mitsuki: * smiling softly at him*

Ally: aww...

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