(Chapter 2) Plan in action

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3rd person POV

Pansy ran into Draco's room at around 9:30 am it was the week end now so it didn't matter what time they woke up. Pansy had the list in one hand and her handbag in the other "Draco! Wake up!" She shouted Draco eyelids slowly fluttered open to see Pansy in his room

"What?!" Draco threw a pillow at Pansy "I'm tired"

"We have to complete on of the items on the list today you prat! Don't throw pillows at me!" Pansy got mad when Draco when back to sleep so she pushed him off the bed so he rolled on the floor and threw him a plaid green mini dress with a turtle neck jumper and bow tights with high heeled boots (the picture at the top) "put that on then we can go quit the quidditch team!"

Draco looked a the clothing "really this already? it's nice! but why this?" Draco began to get changed not caring if Pansy was in the room he was gay and she was a lesbian and not to mention they had been friends since they were 1 and 1/2 years old. "There" Draco's aid happily as he looked in the mirror smiling "wow...I love it " his messy hair fell into the perfect style between messy but clean at the same time

Pansy looked at Draco "You're beautiful Draco now let's go!!!" Pansy rolled up the list and put it her bag the grabs Draco's hand and ran out of the common room with everyone staring at Draco's outfit hearing hush whispers but mostly out how good he looked when they got out Pansy slowed down as she was out of breath and so was draco it was time for quidditch practice for Slytherins and Gryffindors they decided to share the pitch to have a practice game and everyone was quite shocked when they saw the Malfoy heir wearing a dress yet they didn't dislike it you could tell that by there pants Draco and Pansy walked over to Marcus Flint the slytherin quidditch captain

"M-malfoy I am n-not sure that's appropriate for quidditch" Flint said trying looking at Draco's ass and not his eyes

"Oh I know! I'm here to quit the team I never wanted to play this game anyway Really it was my father and please dont call me by my last name o find it revolting"

Marcus still tried to look at Draco's ass until realization stuck him "Wait what ?! You can't quit now we have a big game tomorrow!"

Oliver Wood the captain of the Gryffindor team just laughed with the twins then Oliver spoke up "Losing a member there Marc- Why is Malfoy in a dress?!?!" Oliver shouted so his team could hear him and Ron Harry and the twins came Up to look thinking that Oliver was delusional but when they came to see they were fav two face with Draco Malfoy with his arms folded in a dress

Ron just said out loud "what the bloody hell is going on?! Why is Malfoy in a dress?!"

Harry could see the side of Draco his dress perfectly outlined his figure with his thin body and not to mention his arse. All Harry could manage to do is take it in and mutter so quietly that nobody he could hear him was "when did malfoy get hot" and a "man id fuck that."

Pansy could see everyone was drooling over Draco so she took inside and they went into Pansy room for a bit and Pansy painted Draco's nails a dark green and after, there were finished they met up with Blaise and Theo to go for dinner in the great room

Theo and Blaise just looked at Draco's outfit but Blaise was the one who spoke and he said "Dray I think I can speak for both of us when I say What the fuck are you wearing?" And Theo nodded in agreement

Draco just rolled his eyes and and put a hand on his hip "well we all know we are probably going to die in the best in the next few months" and with that Blaise And Theo just looked at the floor and Pansy nodded "well I decided with the help form Pansy that I would make a list of thing I want to do and live my life to the fullest...ya know without my fathers Permission"

They all nodded and walked down to dinner and when they got into dinner students gasped at Draco's outfit he didn't care he was going to have a good time in theses next couple of
months...he hoped at least...

Words: 783
Hello my lovelies I hope you enjoyed this chapter I will update later today most likely And please note I have got school and all so if updateds are delayed please don't mind but That's it for me then bye drarry fans and Potterheads Xxx

(Ps please don't copy my work I try really hard on this stuff so please don't it's rude xxx)

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