(Chapter 6) ...ginny...

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Draco's POV

We were walking to the great room and stop dead in our tracks when we see Luna and Ginny making-out in the hall

"GINNY WHAT THE FUCK?!" Ron said harshly

Harry turned to Ron "mate it's cool I had my suspicions and it didn't surprise me"

Ginny turned around "babe it's not what it looks like!"

Luna just pushes Ginny off her "what? I thought you broke up with Harry!" She turned to Harry "I am so sorry I wouldn't go out with her if i knew-"

Harry cut her off "I know Luna don't worry "

"Thank you Harry!" Luna looked at me and walked over to me "hello Draco I love what you have done to your hair and your clothes"

"Are you kidding Luna?" Ginny said " he looks disgusting he as also gotten fatter"

I started to tear up and Harry hugged me a whispered 'it was fine' and 'I was beautiful' and that 'I was his queen'

"Harry your on his side why the hell are you on side with Malfoy!"

Harry still hugging me said "Ginny his name is draco and I think you should leave"


Ron stopped her "now Ginny"

Everyone said I looked amazing and assured me I looked great so we when to the great hall to eat when I went in you could hear the gasps because not only was my hair pink ,I was in a shorts and a crop top with fish net leggings and I was with the golden trio Dumbledore quited the hall down and we all split up to our different tables sometime after snape came behind me and tapped me on the shoulder

"You know Mr Malfoy" I cringed at the name "I don't think your father would approve of this attire"

"I don't care." Was all I said he looked shocked for a second before putting on his blank expression once more

"Well have you started to fix the Cabi-"

I cut him of "No. I don't plan on doing it."

"You're father won't be happy."

"And? It my life not his." I was scared The was no doubt about it Pansy, Blaise And Theo were just looking at each other

"I am glad you have found that out I don't want you do do you mission either anyway you are way to young. Remember you can come to my office if needed." Snape then walked back to the table and started talking to professor Dumbledore and Miss McGonagall

After dinner we walked around a bit we had an hour until we needed to be in our dorms so we went to the library we saw Harry, Ron and Hermione we talked for a bit joked then we talked about Ginny

"So what you going to do about her?" Theo said

"Yeah mate you should dump her! But be careful girls have a strong punch. Isn't that right draco? Hermione?" Ron said We all laughed

"Well anyway i think I should dump her I guess their are other people anyway" Harry sighed I hugged him he hugged back and Pansy and Hermione had to step outside to have a fan girl moment

"It's okay Harry I'm sure you'll be fine beside half of the wizarding world would kill to date you" I said truthfully I'd kill for him to date me I know that much "you kind, gentle and really handsome-"

"Draco your gay is showing" Blaise said laughing with Ron and Theo

"Shove off guys" I said the
me and Harry stoped huggeing

Pansy and Hermione came back him

"Hey guys sleepover is tomorrow!" Pansy said

Then we all when to our dorms

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