A New Beginning

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Sorry I took so long to updated, I had a terrible case of writer's block so I had to read a ton of romance novels just to get inspiration. And now....... presenting to you the next chapter of The White Dress. I hope you like it, sorry if its a bit of a cliche story I am trying my best to make it worth your time and effort to read.... Wel now on to the story.....(^o^)

Natasha's POV

      It has been five months since Dr. Taylor, also known as Skye, first became my resident doctor. " Good morning Natasha, how are you feeling today?" I look up from the book I was reading and I smile at the man who entered my room. I closed my book and set it on the bed- side table," Good morning to you to Dr. Taylor." I love teasing him, and me calling him doctor clearly embarasses him. " How many times do I have to tell you not to call me Dr. Taylor? Hearing that from you makes it sound weird." My smile grows wider, " that's exactly why I call you that, I just love teasing you so much." He shakes his head and chuckles, " Sometimes I just don't know what to do with you." I giggle, and he moves to check my vitals, " So how are you feeling today, have you been experiencing any shortness of breath?" He takes his stethoscope and listents to my heartbeat, then he takes my wrist and takes my pulse. " I'm doing fine, actually I'm feeling a lot better," I smile at him and he smiles back.


         The minute he smiles at me my heart skips a beat, and I feel butterflies in my stomach. My heart is beating so loudly that I'm afraid that he can hear it. this has been happeing so often now that it sort of scares me because Skye is the only one who can make me feel this way, he is the only one who puts butterflies in my stomach and makes my heart flutter the way it does.

        I am pulled from my thoughts when Skye clears his throat. " Well I have good news for you," I look at him expectatly. His face breaks in to the biggest smile I have ever seen. " All the doctors agreed that you are well enough to be discharged." It to a minutes for his words to sink in, but when they finally did I squealed and jumped down from my bed and I threw my arms around Skye. " Are you serious?" I look at him with frantic eyes, " Yes I am very much serious, in fact they are alredy processing your discharge papers as we speak." I shriek with joy, and I hug Skye even tighter. " I knew this would make you happy," his breath tickles my ear as he spoke. The feeling of his breath so close to my ear pulls me bac kto reality, I was suddenly aware that in my exitement I grabed Skye and hugged him tightly. I suddenly felt embarassed and I felt my face flush a hundres shades of red. " Natasha? are you okay?" I pull back quickly and try to hide my face so that he won't see me blushing." Hey are you okay?" he is seriously worried now so I peak up at him and nod. He suddenly chuckles and pats my head, " You're too cute."

         My face grows warmer, if that's even possiblegiven that my fave is already a hundred degrees, he laughs and it is the most wonderful sound on the face of the earth. " I'll see you later , auntie and uncle with be up in a few minutes to get you, and I'm coming with you so I better get my things arranged," he smiles at me once more, the smile that causes my heart to beat so hard that I am afraid that it will jump out of my chest. Before he leaves he tells me that he took the day off today and tomorrow so that he can take me home and so that we could do somethings fun tomorrow. " You have been couped up in this room for far too long it's time for you to experience life again." I try to protest and sya that there might be people who need him in the hospital, but he dismisses my arguments quickly. Then before he leaves he does something that suprises me, he places his hand on mycheek then he kisses my forehead. Before I could react he mumbles a good- bye then hurredly walks out of the room. I stood in the middle of the room shocked at what he did, if someone were to come in they could come and go unnoticed. I only snapped out of my trance when my parents walked into the room and hugged me.


         While they got my things ready, I realized something, the things that put me in a trance was Skye's blushing face, but he left in such a hurry that I didn't really see his face clearly so I can't be sure. But his effect on me is something that does not need confirmation because at the sound of Skyes voice, my face instanty grows pink again, and when our eyes met, it became a hundres shades of red.   

        The ride to our house was uneventful and awkward, well for me anyway, Skye and my parents weere all catching up, my parents were both really happy to see him again, I am too, but there is a strange feeling that keeps tugging on my heart, which threatens toburst whenever Skyeis near me. It's a two hour drive from the hospital to our house, and in all that time my mom and dad, and Skye talked and talked. They asked Skye how he was what he did while he was away, it is pretty weird that they still have so many things to talk about . I thought that they mighthavealready run out of topics to takl about seeing as they see each other at the hospital everyday, but then again I guess they never had the chance to just talk since they were always very busy monitoring my conditionespecially Skye. But now I guess they feel a little bt at ease since my conditionis better. I suddenly caught myself looking at Skye, I was about to look away when he turned so suddenly that he caught me staring, I quickly turned and burried my head into the pillow on my lap to hide my embarassment. I heard a muffled laugh, and i felt butterflies in my stomach and my hearrt sped- up at the sound of his voice.

Skye's POV

        When we get to Natasha's and her parents' house, Natasha was already asleep, she really does look like an angel when she sleeps, " I'll take her to her room." Her parets nod and smile at me. I take her into my arms and carry her bridal- style up to her room. As I was going up the stairs i could not help but remember all the days that we have spent here together , all the laughter and crazy days that we  have shared, they all came rushing back to me and i could not help but smile at the thought that I got to meet this girl once more. As I laid her on her bed I could not help but smile to myself, relieved and contentd that i got to meet the girl in the white dress again, even if the dress she is wearing is different. I kiss her forehead and whisper, " Good- night my princess, sweet dreams," she snuggles deeper into her covers and sighs contently, I chucke to myself, gave her a light pat on the head and left her room. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 03, 2015 ⏰

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