FILWAJIH Chapter 20

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Okay, so I know I haven't posted in like a month, and I am deeply sorry, and i may give excuses, and they are true, but hum,,, well I was also lazy.  Okay, so after a long wait, and multiple threats (lol)  I posted chapter 20.   Hurrrrrayyyyyy!!!!!!!!!

Enjoy, and don't forget to vote and comment :)  Luv ya



I looked down, defeated, while he uttered three, heartbreaking words to all that were around us, enjoying the scene.

"Why would I?"

I looked up once more at him, anger boiling in my blood, and I screamed: "I hate you!"

And I ran past the students, in the bathroom, locking myself in a cabin, while crying my eyes out over my heartbreak.

 Amy's POV

"Love, please get out"

I could faintly hear the voice of Sienna through the wall of the bathroom cabin door, but I didn't want to understand what she was saying, I didn't want to understand anything.   I continued to mumble the same word I did for the last couple of minutes: "No"

I didn't care what she wanted, what the whole freaking world wanted, because I was lost in some sort of frenzy state, where I was a bit delusional, and that I just wanted to lay there and die.

I was sprawled on what seemed to be the dirty floor of the bathroom, but I vaguely remember how I even got here.  Thoughts were coming and going in my mind, and I didn't know how to think clearly.  I tried to get up, but my arms where not moving.  I was stuck on this dirty floor for ever.  Yuck.

I must have made a sound, because I heard Sienna, or what seemed to be Sienna, banging on the door, and trying to enter my little peaceful cabin. 

"I love this cabin"

I sighed with a big smile on my face. 

"Well you'll love it more once you get out of there and rinse yourself off, you must smell of pee right now. Ugh, I don't even like the thought of it.  Get out now Amy, it's not the end of the world, he's a jerk, and he doesn't deserve you, and you could do a hundred times better than this ass of a singer."


What was she talking about?  My head feels dizzy.

"I don't feel so well"

The next thing I know, there is something orange in the toilet, and I am unfortunately breathing it, and it's disgusting.


Well, I have no choice.  I don't want to break my pretty little cabin.

"Okay, okay, I'm opening it, just a second."

I was still on the floor, but this time, I willed my arms to push me upward, and it worked.  Go, go, go arms, you can do it.   Finally standing, I stumbled a bit, but I managed to turn the lock.  I guess Sienna was leaning on it, because she nearly fell over me, and landed straight in the non-flushed toilet.  Ewww.

"Nice landing Sienna"

"Ew, what the hell did you eat this morning it looks disgusting."

She was leaning a couple of inches from it, and tried to move away, but the cabin was so small, that it was near impossible for her to move unless I walked out of it. And that's what I did.  As I did, I heard the flush of the toilet behind me.  Humm hadn't thought of that.  Oh well....

I was washing my hands, when she came up to me, and took me in her arms. I liked it, it was comfy.  It's fun having a free hug.  She is so nice.  I like her.  No wonder she's my Bestie, the others suck.

"It will be okay, you'll see, we will go home, and eat ice cream, and watch chick flick, and you'll forget all about Carter," she whispered in my ear.

What was she talking about?  Forget about Carter?  Why would I do that?  I love him, and he loves me and he's my boyfriend.  Why would I want to forget about him?  I want to see him.  I miss him, oh so much.  Hum, I wonder if he's in the cafeteria, waiting for me at our lunch table.  Time to go.

I began walking out of the girls' bathroom, with a big smile on my face.

"What are you doing? Come back, you smell of freaking pee, for God's sake." 

I turn around confused.  "Huh?"

She grabbed my elbow, and directed me to my car.  I was still feeling dizzy, and I was sure I looked like I was drunk.  But I was not.  She took my keys, and drove us to my house.  No one was there except our maids, but they always were discreet, and they like me, so they never say anything to my dad when I get home, looking like...... well probably looking like I do now, though I don't really know... , Hummmm I need a mirror.

Unfortunately, I wasn't counting on my future step-mother, to be there. Once I entered the house, with the help of Sienna, she gracefully descended the stairs and ran up to us.

"Oh, my, what happened? Amy are you okay?"  She then looked at Sienna and sent her a questioning look.

Sienna looked confused for a second, and then replied with a thumbs up, and led me to my bedroom, carefully closing the door behind us, so that my step-mom wouldn't come and ask further questions.

Once I was in the shower, Sienna stood close by in case I fell and had a concussion, but the water was doing miracles on me and I felt better than ever. 

"What was SHE doing here at this time?"

I sighed.

"Well my dad told me she was supposed to move in this week. I guess the moving van is on its way, because she was moving some of our stuff out of the way, to be able to get some furniture inside. "

"Ouch, so you're officially stuck with Amber for the rest of your life."

I groaned.  That bitch.  I hate her.  If they think we are going to bond like sisters, they are completely off the track.

"I mean after what happened today, I guess you wouldn't be able to stand staying in the same house as her."

I went completely still.  What was she talking about?

I grab an end of the shower curtain, and pop my head out, and looked at her perplexed.

"What are you talking about?"

She nearly choked  on her glass of water.

"What?  You mean you don't remember?"

I clutched the curtains tighter.

"What is it?"

"Girl, are you serious?  You must have bumped your head somewhere, cause this is NOT something you forget easily.........  Oh god, no.  Not again........ Shit, shit, shit. "


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