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I stood on the curb, waiting for the doorman to hail a cab because I didn't have it in me to do it myself. Tonight was the beginning, a dinner to celebrate Giorgia leaving the famiglia. I ignored the ache in my hands, the fingers wanting to wring Laurence's neck for touching my baby sister. But nope, these hands couldn't teach him a lesson tonight—they had to shake his, congratulate him.

Congratulate him on stealing her away from me. Ten years, breakfast every week, no exceptions, until she met him. Ten years of being the one by her side, helping her navigate her investments, find her way, be the one who picked her up when she fell, until she met him. Her big brother wasn't her first call anymore, and as of this last year, I wasn't even her second.

A car pulled up; the doorman opened the back door that Eric stepped out of, looking all kinds of fucked up.

"You look like shit, long night?" I asked, guessing the fucking answer.

He grumbled something before actually looking at me, studying my tux. "Why are you all dressed up?"

"Sorellina, Giorgia's dinner. Wedding's tomorrow."

"Will your whole family be there?" he asked in a gasp.

"Of course." I shoved him aside so I could get in.

He cleared his throat, following behind me. "You know a wedding would be good research for my book."

I dropped to the seat, grabbing for the door. "Then go. But clean yourself up. You look like hell."

"Wait!" he yelled, smacking his hand between the door and the frame. "Where—where's the dinner tonight?"

"Central Grand, as is the wedding tomorrow. Why?"

"No, no reason," he babbled, finally removing his hand so I could shut the door.

The drive went too fast, forcing me into the hotel too soon, standing at the entrance of the room, staring to the back at Giorgia, smiling and laughing as she hung on Laurence. She'd found the smile I'd stolen from her—no more distant, blank stares or forced smiles that I chose to ignore. I did everything to protect her, only to realize too late that I broke her. I underestimated her love for him. No, I knew it. That's why I forbid it. I knew it would lead to this, my sorellina leaving me.

She saw me now, lunging away from him, dashing over, arms up with the biggest smile. Giving her away hurt, but it was nowhere near the pain of her shutting me out, refusing to speak to me for months.

That's when I knew my heart actually worked because at that moment—it broke.

She jumped into my arms, squeezing me tight. "Thank you for your blessing," she whispered like it was a secret.

I held her another minute, not wanting to let her go. "Are you happy, Sorellina?"

She nodded, focus straying back to him, to the one she loved and I loathed. "Happier than I've ever been!"

That's all I wanted, regardless of the shit I did to stop it. "Go," I insisted. "I'll be by in a minute."

She didn't hesitate, racing back into his arms. I'd given both my sisters away, but this heartbreak was different. At Sofia's wedding, I sat in the back row, ready to fucking pummel Paulo. We didn't know his name, then suddenly Sofia was announcing that a marriage certificate had been signed and a wedding was planned—only months after Mamma and Papà's accident. Paulo was quick, stayed in the shadows, came in for the kill. I was too late to stop that one; maybe that's why I tried so damn hard to stop this one—speaking of Paulo. I searched the room, seeing Sofia, holding Nora! They were here.

Gav had Vinny up in an arm and Sadie under his other, a walking billboard of the perfect family. Yet another reminder of a wedding I tried to stop. What the fuck was wrong with me?

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