9 ❤️🔥

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My back held the door, watching and tracking those curves as she strutted past me into my dark apartment.

She shook off her coat; I kicked the door shut, whirled her back against it, my fingers making contact with her now bare shoulder, brushing up her neck, tipping her chin to meet my face, my lips speaking against hers.

"I want to finish our kiss."

"I want to go slow," she countered, whisper revving the engine that was already full steam ahead.

My fingers couldn't stop stroking her cheek, her jaw. "I can do slow, fast, hard. I'm a man of many settings."

Her laugh barely made it out of those lips. "No, slow as in first base."

My lips found her neck, getting a hit of coconut. She was paradise. "First base?" I nipped under her ear.

She shuddered, breath rolling out in waves. "Waist up," she whisper-gasped. "Just feeling."

Oh, Baby, I'd love to feel you. I dropped my body against hers, caging her to the door, keeping her chin in my hand, while my other explored. "What exactly can I feel you with?" I bit over her ear while sliding my fingers across her shoulder, dipping under the red strap of her dress. "My hands? My fingers?"

She nodded into my hand, chest rising, and I swear I heard a fucking moan.

"What else can I feel you with? My tongue?" I licked down her neck, kissing her throat that was rumbling with her many swallows. "My lips." My face was back in front of hers, lips landing at her mouth, so close I was inhaling her breaths.

"Yea—yeah," she breathed into me.

I nudged the strap over her shoulder, continuing my way down her arm, down her dress until I hit skin again. "Can I feel you here?" I let my fingertips drag and play on her inner thigh.

"Waist up," she choked out, heaving chest battering mine.

"So no figa tonight?" My tongue struck her lips; she moaned, shuddering again.

"Figa," she repeated.

I finished licking the peach from her lips. "Pussy."

Her hand landed on my back, a firm grip, nails clawing through my suit—the shudder now mine, racing over me.

"I know what it means," her words whipped against my lips. "I just liked the way you said it."

Our lips hit—the high instant, brain turning to fog, the heat infiltrating my veins. Our tongues struck next, keys to the ignition, sending us both fucking flying.

Faces smashed, noses clashed, breath so fucking loud, almost as loud as our sloppy, hungry, greedy lips. She was just as strung out, hands clawing, dress rubbing my stiff pants like a fiend.

I slid my hand down her other shoulder, knocking that strap down, tracing her collarbone as my lips slowed. I needed a stronger drug.

I'd been waiting to see these tits all week, losing myself in fucking curiosity, envisioning her naked body and the tits I'd be latching onto. Would they be tiny nipples I'd have to pinch between my teeth, whittle between my fingertips? Or would she have big fucking nipples, that I could sink my entire mouth over?

I broke from the kiss, her rapid breathing steaming my face as I reached around her back, finding the zipper.

Her breath hitched, chest arching towards me for more as the dress unraveled—seconds away from exposing the Christmas present it was hiding.

"Lu—Luca," she whined, like music to my fucking ears, but it was her scream I was after.

I clamped my fingers over the top of the dress, yanking it down. Mmm, fucking mouthfuls—big, thick nipples. I felt the wet rush in my mouth, the hunger stirring, willing me to take what was mine. But she asked for slow, so like a gentleman, I would go slow, so slow it sent her to her fucking knees for mercy. And if I only got to feel, then I was gonna fucking feel—feel slow, feel fast, feel hard, feel soft.

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