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An older couple burst into the waiting room scaring Mamoru half to death. The caramel haired woman is the first to reach the blonde boy, her eyes red and puffy from crying. He searched her blue eyes and saw nothing but panic, how could he tell Maya what happened, how he failed to keep her baby safe?

"What happened? How did he get hurt?" She choked.

"He was i-in a car accident" He struggled to explain "The car was totaled and he's in critical condition."

The dark brunette that came in with her stood behind her and gripped his shoulders. He looked like he wanted to cry but he needed to be strong for his wife, putting on a smile he hugged her close.

"Haou's strong sweetie he'll pull through" There's was no confidence in his voice.

Mamoru watched Maya break as Mikoto tried his best to keep her together, Heterochromiac eyes glanced behind the couple. By the door stood a two-toned brunette, the top part a sweet caramel while the bottom of his hair was a chocolate brown. He looked like he just came from somewhere important, ripped black jeans with a tight black shirt covered by a red jean jacket. He had a silver chain necklace on and seemed to be hiding any blemishes with make-up.

Hazel eye's which he's only seen on television and magazines locked onto his violet and blue eyes. He was basically a spitting image of Haou and Mamoru finally understood while people confused them so often.

As the couple went of to talk to the nurses the brunette pushed himself off the wall and walked toward the blonde. In normal circumstances he would be elated to meet a celebrity like Jaden but right now he could only feel cold and numb. The brunette stood in front of him, hazel orbs scanned him up and down making him uncomfortable.

"Who are you anyway?" His voice was dead, no emotion.

"I'm Mamoru Anderson" the blonde held out his hand "Your twin's boyfriend."

Jaden stared at the hand offered and looked like he was weighing his options in his head, finally with a sigh the boy shook his hand. Pulling away he stated he had to make a call to a band mate about where he was. Mamoru thought it was weird how Jaden just brushed off his accident, he actually sounded like this was all just disrupting his schedule.

When the brunette was out of sight Mamoru headed over to the Yuki's, they sat in chairs closest to the hall hoping they'd hear something soon. He sat across from them all three exhausted from the constant stress and worry.

Thirty minutes had passed before Jaden came back, his eyes practically glued to his phone typing away. The blonde twitched, he knew the twins didn't have the best relationship but did he truly not care for his brother? Waiting was killing him slowly and his throat was dried out.

"I'm going to the cafeteria really quick" He sighed.

"Wait I'll come with you, I would have gone earlier but this place is a maze to me" Jaden put his phone away.

The parents nodded them off staying put, Mamoru internally groaned and headed out the door brunette trailing behind. As they walked down the hallway the blonde glanced at the other, trying to read his emotions. Nothing, he wasn't sad or worried, he was basically stoic.

"It's ok to cry you know?" He tried.

"I don't really need to" the brunette shot down.

"Your twin brother is hurt and you don't care?"

Jaden sighed and rubbed his temples "Why should i?"

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