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People processed out of the funeral home leaving a two-toned brunette in front of a pitch-black coffin. He felt sick to his stomach as his chocolate orbs stared in a pale face identical to his own. Chills trailed down his spine making his body tremble ever so slightly as his breath was trapped in his chest. He was lost staring at the corpse of his identical twin, so gone he didn't hear the other male enter the room.

"I kinda expect him to sit up and say it was all a joke"

Jaden's eyes glanced over to his left side catching a glimpse of the light blonde hair. The brunette let out a scoff as his eyes refocused on the coffin before them.

"he sucked with jokes; he never did have a sense of humor."

Mamoru gave a slight sad chuckle as he nodded his head in agreement, his lover did tend to be too serious. Turning on his heel, the blonde took a seat in one of the front row wooden cushioned chairs. Jaden tried his best to ignore the unwelcomed visitor, he thought the blonde was fixated on his lost lover until he felt a gaze burning into his back. He felt flustered and uncomfortable not really understanding the action. Finally fed up he turned on his heel to face the cause of the annoyance, he crossed his arm over his chest and stared back.

Chocolate orbs scanned the blonde, he locked onto the dual colored orbs the blonde owned. They were dull which was shame, and the bags under his eyes gave away the lack of sleep. Making a mental note he decided to lend the blonde some sleeping pills to help. Slowly he joined the blonde, sitting in the seat next to his he turned his gaze back to the coffin.

"How did you two meet any way? Haou always hated socializing and other people."

A small smile tugged at Mamoru's face as he seemed to perk up at the question. Sure Jaden's tone suggested he was mocking his brother but the blonde would consider it progress.

He took a deep breath "We met in the library in our first year of college, we were both in the same Psychology class."

The brunette snorted, his brother always loved reading and although out high school was considered a book worm.

"I fell behind a bit, I didn't understand some of the material, your brother helped me out."

Confusion flashed across Jaden's face, the last time Haou was asked to help he flipped off the person who asked him.

"after a while we got closer, he dropped that icy façade and I fell for the stubborn fool."

The brunette watched as the blonde stared lovingly at the casket, but felt his voice catch in his throat. There was once a time where Jaden was the only one Haou was nice to, that was before their fall out. A choked sob reached his ears and he noticed tears start to pool in the blonde's eyes.

"I'm lucky I got the time with him I did" His voice shook "even if it was only a few years."

"Whenever he had a bad day I would sing to him"

It was said so low the blonde barely caught what the boy had said, he noticed the brunette staring at the enlarged photo of Haou next to the casket. It was beautifully framed and surrounded by lilacs and red dahlias.

Before he knew it Jaden had closed his eyes and started spilling a personal story one he's been curious about for years.

"It was time for midterms in our sophomore year, I was practicing in the living room for my music final, I left Haou the bedroom so he could study quietly."

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