Chapter 11

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"So, did you get my presents to them in time?" Cisco asked when Barry sped back into the lab.

"Yeah, they're gonna have to do some creative lying to explain how they got the suits, but I got them to them." Barry said.

"Guess it's a good thing we still know each other's phone numbers." Cisco said.

"Yeah, tell me about it." Barry agreed.

"Oh, by the way, I've nearly finished upgrading both your suit and Iris's suit. Still can't believe I got to make her a real suit this time." Cisco said eagerly and Barry rolled his eyes.

"Yeah, I wasn't expecting her to have powers either, but at the end of the day, we just have to adapt." Barry said.

"I guess that's true. Oh, by the way, I did some digging and it turns out that there was no need for me to make those guns." Cisco said.

"Really, why not?" Barry asked.

"Apparently Wayne tech already developed them and they've already been stolen." Cisco said.

"And you're sure it was Snart and Rory who took them? I thought that Central City was their stomping ground, not Gotham?" Barry asked.

"Technically, they didn't stick solely to Central City until after they started tangling with you." Cisco pointed out.

"Fair point." Barry agreed.

"So anyways, I destroyed the guns I made to keep anyone else from stealing them." Cisco said and Barry nodded.

"Smart move." Barry agreed.

"So, when do Joe and Iris get back?" Cisco asked.

"At the end of the weekend. I just hope that this trip to Freeland goes the way Iris hopes it does." Barry said.

"Well, either way, in addition to the countless other suits I have to make, including my own suit, Frost, Spartan, Black Canary and Elongated Man, I also need to add Kid Flash to the mix." Cisco said.

"We should at least wait until we can confirm if he has his powers, since I have no intention of creating Flashpoint in this timeline." Barry said.

"Good. Because I got my brother back and I'm not losing him again." Cisco said.

"I know. But, have you tested him for meta powers?" Barry asked.

"What do you mean?" Cisco asked.

"What I mean is that we don't have any idea on the full extent of the changes made to reality. I mean seriously, maybe he gained Rupture's powers and if he did, we need to make sure that Dante does not turn into a new Rupture." Barry said and Cisco nodded, seeing his point, right as Barry's phone rang.

"Captain Singh. I thought my shift didn't start for another half hour?" Barry asked, since as far as he knew, he wasn't late.

"Relax, I was actually calling to see if you could come in a bit early Allen. I got a fresh case and Albert hasn't shown up yet." Singh said, making Barry groan at the reminder that he had to work with the jackass version of Julian Albert again in this timeline. One plus however was that he was Julian's boss in this reality.

"Yeah, send me the address, I'll stop by my lab and grab what I need and meet you there." Barry said.

"Thanks Allen. See you soon." Singh said as Barry hung up.

"Gotta go." Barry said as he sped out of the building.

"So, this is Freeland." Iris said as she, Joe and Wells drove through the city.

"I heard that this city is almost as bad as Gotham crime wise, it's on the verge of dying thanks to a group called the 100. Keep one hand on your wallet at all times and be ready to light your hand up at a moment's notice." Joe warned.

"I always am. Wonder why mom would decide to come here?" Iris asked.

"Well, from what Joe said, your mother was a junkie and if Freeland has as big of a crime problem as he says, it makes sense that she'd come here. Easy access to suppliers." Wells said.

"He's not wrong." Joe agreed.

"And you married her?" Iris asked.

"She wasn't always like that Iris. Or if she was, she was very good at hiding it from me." Joe said.

"On that note, why don't you drop me off at the hotel and then you can go have this little reunion." Wells said, since even he could tell that he was intruding on a private moment.

"That was the plan anyways." Joe said as they pulled up to the hotel, at which point, they helped Wells out of the car and into his chair before he wheeled into the hotel.

"And now off to Francine's house."Joe said as he took a deep breath as he mentally prepared himself for seeing his ex wife for the first time in years.

"Dad, remember, no matter what happens, I'll be right here with you." Iris promised as she placed her hand on his.

"I know. Thank you baby girl." Joe said as they pulled away from the hotel.

When they arrived at the address, Joe took a deep breath as he and Iris walked up to the house and Iris rang the bell.

However, they were both shocked when a guy in his twenties came to the door.

"Can I help you?" the guy asked.

"Uh yeah, we're looking for a Francine West?" Joe asked, trying to keep his composure at seeing how much this young looked like him.

"Hold on a second. Mom, there's someone here to see you." the guy shouted inside the house, confirming both Joe and Iris's suspicions.

A few seconds later, Francine came to the door.

"Wally, who is it?" Francine asked when she saw them.

"Joe, Iris?" Francine asked and Iris sighed.

"Hi mom. It's been awhile." Iris said.

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