- Chapter three -

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This is the first warm bath in my life. I always heard people talk about it and now I know why they always got so excited about some warm water. It feels like the first time I am able to really relax. I am feeling the water on my skin. So safe like a tiny for itself. The smell of lavender still in my nose. It reminds me of the summer when the rich people have it in their gardens and the calming smell of the purple blooms spreaders through Paris and covers the scent of garbage and death.

The hot steam seems to go into my head. I don't have anything to worry about for the first time in my life. No worry no question when I will eat the next time. If I am able to survive. I know that I will survive now. While I am laying in this beautiful marble bathtub. The hypnotizing lavender scent in my nose. The soft waves on my skin. The black. The calming black of my closed eyes. And I know, if I will open them, I won't be on the street. I will be in a house. A safe house with people who care about me. How I feel and that I am alright. Nina left some time ago but I am sure that she will come back soon. I open my eyes and look around. I hear the splashing sound when the water hits the bathtub.

I look at the ceiling. It is covered with a beautiful mosaic with all shades of blue you can think of. It shows fishes I have never seen before. It looks so real I am almost able to see them swimming through the rough waves of the ocean. The walls are dark blue. In the corner, there are golden ornaments. They form flowers. They look like roses and lavender. Caught in a golden cage and kept for eternity. The floor is made from marble as well and splashed with drops of water. On the one wall are hanging towels in white and marine blue. In opposite of me, there is a basin with a little mirror over it. It is framed flowers solidified in gold. The whole room works so harmoniously in itself. It brings out its purpose perfectly, fits the rest of the house and is able to calm my restless soul.

Just like I thought I hear a quite n

Knock on the door. I suppose it is Nina so I answer with a yes to it. She sticks her head in. "Mademoiselle Minette, would you be fine if I take care of your hair?" She asks shyly. I guess she is not used to working with women in this way. "It would be an honor to me Mademoiselle Nina" I brightly smile back at her. She steps in the room with her light and tiny steps. She silently closes the door behind her. She is holding two bottles with liquids I never saw. She stays behind me and opens the first bottle. The smell of lavender gets stronger and she pours something from the liquid in her hand and then over my head. It feels cold but its an incredible contrast to the heat around my body. She massages it into my hear. When she finished to put it all over my hair. She seems to gets more relaxed like she has done that many times. Her small hands are getting used to a special rhythm. When it turned out to be the most relaxing she takes her hands back and carefully pours some warm water over my head to wash it out. After that, she takes out a comb out of pocket and starts to detangle my hair. "I..." she starts with a soft voice. "I heard what happened with you, Mademoiselle, and I just wanted to tell you that I feel awfully sorry for you. No women should experience something like this. Never. And I... I wanted to tell you, of course, I am just a maid, but if you want to talk about something. You can always talk to me."

I am very touched by her talk. And fighting with my tears. I guess I will have to get used to people taking care of me. "First of all, mademoiselle Nina, promise me one thing." "Everything you want, mademoiselle Minette." She stops combing my hair for a moment. "Please call me only Minette. I am a literal nothing. I wouldn't know any reason why you should treat me like a goddess while you can't get any comfort for yourself." I smile. "Oh... that was... unexpected. But I don't want you to think that way about yourself. You wouldn't be here if monsieur Charpentier hadn't any reason to take you here. Don't ever forget about this Made.... I mean only Minette. But I insist that you call me Nina as well."

She continues to comb my hair while she talks and I can't help but smile even brighter. She is such a pure and kind nature.

"That would be great. You know I never had someone I could really call a friend. But I would love to change that." I say and am honest with every little word I say. I can't see her but I am sure that she is smiling now as well. "If you want to, I would be honored to call myself your friend.2 she said with a happy touch in her voice. She is finished now and puts the comb back in the pocket she took it from. Now she is pouring the other liquid over my head which is smelling like lavender as well. She does the same thing again. massaging with her hands. I want to know more about her, now that I can call her my first real friend. "Nina, can you please tell me something about you?" I ask her. "Well, there is not much to know about me. I was born in this house. My mother works in the kitchen is married to one of the cooks. I am now fifteen years old and actually like it here. The days are well structured and I guess that is exactly what a girl my age needs. My favorite spot in the house is my room in the attic. Nothing special. Just a normal girl with a normal life. But tell me about you I guess this is a lot more interesting."

Her life sounds amazing exactly what she said. Nothing special. How much I want this. Born in peace, life in peace, die in peace. She doesn't know what it means to don't have a normal life and he is fine. I am going to tell her anyways sooner or later, it doesn't matter.

"I don't know where I was born. I barely remember anything before I turned five years. My parents died right after they send me to Paris. That must have been when I was like two years old. When I arrived in Paris I was raised by other women on the street and after I turned nine I somehow managed to stay alive until now. I stole and slept near bakers where its warm in the night. I got hurt a lot but something like today..." I shivered when I thought about what happened earlier. "something like today never happened to me before."

A short silence follows. Nina regrets her question. But stills wants to cheer me up. Again she is pouring warm water over my head. "I just can say that I am terribly sorry. But we have to let the past be the past. Don't worry, you will have a good life from now on. I promise." She stops the water and puts the pot away. She then walks over to the wall and grabs a big towel. She walks back to me and holds it in a position I am able to easily slip in.

It is made out of a soft fabric. "Sit on the chair now, I will braid your hair for the night and after that, you can put on clean clothes." She says while she walks back to the chair and puts the clothing on a little table. Like she said I sit down and she braids my hair until a long thick braid is falling over my back.

"We can only give a button up shirt from Monsieur Charpentier, but I hope that is enough until we can get you some... more fitting clothing." She says while handing me the shirt. Nina helps me to put the shirt on and offers me her arm again.

"I will bring you to your room now." She says with her bright smile.

We are walking out of the bath. The corridor is a lot colder but still so much warmer than on the outside, I am still not able to walk fast but it is much better then it was before the bath. We are crossing several doors, I am liking forward to know what is behind them, and finally stop in front of one Nina is opening.

"Here we go." She says while stepping inside the warmer room. Again, it is gold and blue, with a wooden wardrobe, a desk with a chair underneath a large window and to my delight a big bed with comfy- looking pillows and blankets.

Nina is leading me to the bed. I sit down on the corner.

I a few hours ago I thought I would die any minute and now I am here.

Maybe I have died. Nina is a literal angel so that wouldn't surprise me. "I will leave you alone now. If you need anything in the night, just call for me. I'll is there in a second." She winks and turns around. She walks to the door.

"Nina!" I say and she looks back at me again. "Thank you for everything. I am so lucky that I have met you. Good night, mademoiselle Nina." I smirk. "Always at your service, mademoiselle Minette." She chuckles and courtesies.

"Have a wonderful first nigh!t" And after that she walks through the door and is gone.

I shake my head and smile. Then I lay back. I am surprised by the softness of the fabric. It is so unaccustomed to me. But I don't have much time to think about it. My body takes its toll on the effort. so I close my eyes and slide into a deep dreamless sleep, aware that I am finally safe.

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