Entering the train lane

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You woke up and you were fucking dead 😔😔
But that's ok since shrek helped plan your funeral omg I wish he planned mine 😭😭😭😭😭😭 But then you were awaken by something HOLY, something soo great that your stupid eyes couldn't handle all this

You woke up and you were fucking dead 😔😔But that's ok since shrek helped plan your funeral omg I wish he planned mine 😭😭😭😭😭😭 But then you were awaken by something HOLY, something soo great that your stupid eyes couldn't handle all this

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Using his recycled pizza powers, he resurrected you from the dead. Then you saw T h o m a s...............

"Oh I'm gonna punish you for what you did to me last time......" you mumbled.

tO bE cOnTiNuEd

Now if you dont mind... I have anime to watch:))))
Plus I'm trying to convince my friend.to no longer be a anime hoe and to only get one anime bf

Thomas the Tank x READER (LEMON) 🍋🍋Where stories live. Discover now