Illusions and lies exposed

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Alright, I'm back to this book again! I'm rubbing my hands together in anticipation. (insert evilish grin here) Anyways, on with the chapter!

----Heartbreaker's POV (bet you didn't see that one coming, well guess what neither did I, it just came to me. 😂)----

I couldn't believe it, master Fu had given a group of girls some miraculous, out of nowhere. What did they ever do to deserve their miraculous? They're so childish, how could Master Fu do this to me?! As my anger starts to rise, I can feel my powers growing. I grin, knowing that these Newbies don't stand a chance against me. I am way more powerful than them, and I have more experience. After throwing the one that called herself Souris into a wall, I charged at the one who called herself Diamont Brut. Diamont was more skilled than Souris, but she was still no match for me. It only took a few attacks before she had lost her Lyer completely, having fallen off the edge of the Eiffel tower. With that I threw her over to where Souris was a moment ago, but Souris was gone. I quickly spun around and blocked just as she was about to catch me in her rope tail; unfortunately, it wrapped around my staff, and she yanked it from my hands, throwing it to the side. I was about to lunge for it when I saw Chat Noire standing on the edge of the tower, smirking down at me.

"Well, Hello there, How'd you like my little illusion?"

I looked down for the ring I had taken from Adrian only to see it was no longer there, it had disappeared. (You'll find out how that happened later. 😏) I screamed in rage and charged.


"I had a little help from a new friend of mine."

He easily doges my enraged attack and points down bellow to where Adrian and some other girl with the fox miraculous are standing, she waves at me, taunting the fact that I fell for her stupid illusion. Rage overtook me, filling my very being, I lunged for my staff but was blocked by that silly Souris girl. I growled at her, my voice filled with all the hurt and anger I had bottled up inside over the years. I would not let them beat me! I would win!

Chat started advancing, and I charged but was again blocked by Souris, I looked around and noticed that Diamont wasn't there anymore, I shrugged it off and continued fighting, the coward probably just ran away after getting hit. After a few more failed attempts of trying to get past Souris, I felt my powers become strong enough to call my staff back to me. I held out my hand, and my staff flew into it. Souris seemed a bit surprised and somewhat put off by this, and I took this as my moment to charge past her, I threw her out of the way and charged at Chat. He again sidestepped my attack.

I continued to battle, me constantly attacking, him dogging. Why won't he fight back?! I was furious. Finally, I landed a hit on him and was shocked to see him disappear. What had happened, where did he go? Suddenly, realization dawned on me; there was no illusion earlier; that was the illusion! That's why he never fought back, only dogged! I knew what I had to do, I leapt down from the tower, using my powers to slow my fall so I wouldn't get hurt, I landed right in front of the fox miraculous wielder, Adrian was nowhere to be seen.

"That was a nice little trick back there, Foxy," I growled, "but I won't be falling for that trick again."

The girl just smirked and said, "The names Renard Arctique, and who says I need an illusion to beat you?"

Enraged, I flew at the girl, but she pulled out her flute and blocked, suddenly I felt someone's presence behind me and quickly turned around just in time to sea a shield coming toward me. Great, they have the turtle miraculous too, how many of these people are there?! I quickly ducked out of the way and watched as the surprised Turtle wielder ran head-on into the unsuspecting Arctique. I smiled, pleased with my work. Then, to my not so surprised self, another one came out from under the Eiffel tower. I mean seriously, I have lost count of how many there are now! This one appeared to have the monkey miraculous, and I didn't have time to react before she threw her unique object at my staff, turning it into a plushy and draining me of my powers.


But it was too late, Chat had rushed over and Cataclysmed staff, turning it back into pencil I had been holding when I got akumatized. The little black butterfly flew out and was caught by a Sheltar from the turtle wielder. I crumpled to the ground in defeat as my transformation disappeared, and I turned back into Marinette.

----Chat's POV----

I stood there, too shocked to move. Marinette was crying, where Heartbreaker stood a minute ago. The girl with the mouse miraculous laid a hand on her shoulder before bending down to look her in the eyes. Marinette looked up, tears still streaming down her face, and then the girl enveloped Marinette in a hug. Mari buried her head in the girl's shoulder and cried.

"Shh, it's ok, everything's going to be ok, Mari," said the girl as she ran her hand over Mari's head as a mother would. "You're going to be ok. Look at me, Marinette."

The girl lifted Marinette's chin so that she was looking her in the eyes. "We can't do this without you, Mari, I know your hurting right now, but I need you to be strong, just for another minute, and then you can go back to crying on my shoulder all you want."

At this, Marinette nodded slightly, stood up, and transformed into Ladybug. I can't believe that Marinette is Ladybug! My Princess and My lady are the same person! Le Protecteur let the Akuma out of the Sheltar, and Ladybug quickly caught it and purified it, turning it back into a beautiful white butterfly. She promptly called out, "lucky charm," and she tossed it into the air, crying, "Miraculous Ladybug!" It was over, the battle was finally over, the only question was, what do we do now?

So, what did you think of the chapter Kittens? Identities have been revealed now! Ok then, here come the choices for this next chapter.

1. Should Marinette be mad that Adrian knows her identity?

2. Should Adrian try to win her heart?

3. Should they find out who we are, or should we wait for another chapter?

Also, I need another character to add to the story soon. I need a name, what miraculous you would like to have if we have another battle and some information about your personality. A description of what you look like would be appreciated as well. Can't wait to see you in Miraculous. 😉

Until next time my lovely kittens!

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