Just Another Day...

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I fly high above the rest of the people, a plane passes near me and people stare out of their windows. This was the feeling of pure and utter freedom. The wings that had spread out of my back were magnificent. A dazzling gold with such a wide area to cover on the wings that the sun reflected off of them in a brilliant glimmer. I flew slightly above the white and fluffy looking clouds, but they didn't feel fluffy when I flew into them. They felt... comforting. Like the hug of a lover. Soon after flying under the clouds I did a nose dive down but when I went to pull back up my wings had disappeared. I kept going down, and down until I almost hit the ground. Then it felt like I fazed through the ground and landed in my bed. I had woken up in a cold sweat with my alarm clock going off. 

I was breathing heavily and I put my hand up to my forehead and wiped away my sweat. I looked at the clock after I had time to calm down and let my heart rate decrease. It was 6:32 A.M. I got up and slowly got ready for school. Mondays, am I right? I put on dark jeans, a black shirt with long sleeves, a red flannel around my waist, and a black pair of Nikes. I put on my watch and sapphire necklace and placed my black beanie on my head. I headed downstairs and sighed as I was greeted by loneliness. I went to the kitchen to make breakfast before school and then I sat and ate my scrambled eggs. I grabbed my book bag off the living room chair then headed out the door and locked it. I put my headphones in and started playing my music as I walked to my bus stop. 

The bus showed up after roughly twenty minutes. After it did, I walked on and headed to the back where I took a seat and waited for everyone else to be picked up before we got to school. 

After the bus ride to school, I went to my first class, sat down and then put my head down and in my arms. Spanish class was my least favorite but at least I got it over with first. I knew everyone in the class because it was barely after the beginning of the second semester. But people knew I just slept in that class so they left me alone and didn't sit at my table. But today someone new sat by me. I didn't know him, so I decided to ask who he was. 

"Um, are you in the wrong class?" I asked looking up from where I was comfortably laying my head. 

"This is first hour Spanish, is it not?" the strange man asked. 

"Uh, it is. Are you new here?" 

"Uh, yea. My name is Eli, what is yours?" he said giving a calming smile whilst doing so. 

"Oh, u-uh, my name is Ch-Christian," I say. I became very flustered and I quickly hid my face in my arms once more. 

We stopped talking after that and I just stayed down in my arms, blushing furiously. The hour continued and I tuned out the teacher as I always do. I looked up slightly and saw him very attentively listening to her. I studied his face for a minute. He had such a defined jawline, soft-looking lips, bright and piercing blue eyes, and dark hair that was in a middle split style. His skin was very pale and he wore a lot of dark colors. He even had black earings, they looked like dark pearls. I felt entranced whilst looking at him. 

He suddenly looked at me, my heterochromatic eyes widened as his diamond colored ones met mine and I then hid my face again. What is wrong with me, I am straight. I have a damn girlfriend for crying out loud. I am not gay, I'm not. But soon after cursing myself out in my head I went back to thinking about him. Why did he have to be so god damn attractive?  

Class ended and I slowly got up. He stayed and asked me where his next class is. It turned out to be, again, the same as mine. World History, a class where I answered like all the questions for the teacher so he tried to ignore me. But normally I'm the only one to know the answer. World History is one of my strong suits. 

Anyways I walked him into the next class and he once again sat by me. I feel like he is messing with me. I don't know why I'm thinking this but I am for some reason. The bell rang and class went along as it normally did, me answering too much and being right. Next bell rang and it was time for third hour, I had Physical Science and he had Advanced Geometry. I walked in and this hour I had my girlfriend with me, Lily. I sit next to her and she kisses me on the cheek, but this time it feels different for some reason. It felt... wrong. Why did it feel like this? 

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