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Tag you're it! This one is meant to bring us to know each other a little better. Once again, let's keep this good enough to play along nicely!!!

For all of you in team love:

Tag the nicest Ambassador you can think of (let us know why)

Tag the most wonderful person you have met in the platform

Tag who would you like to spend Saint Valentine's day with

Tag another Cupid you have been having fun with

Tag a #TeamHeartache member you would like to turn into a#TeamLove

Tag that genre profile you love to visit

Team Heartbreak:

Tag that friends that will always follow you doing all kinds of shenanigans

Tag the naughtiest ambassador you can think of (let us know why)

Tag the person you think is the voice of reason in Wattpad

Tag that person who accepts just like you are

Tag that person you like to discuss stories with

Tag a #TeamLove you would like to transform in a #TeamHeartache

Remember, Love and Heartbreak want you to participate in our Saint Val's Contest this year. May the best team reign Supreme!  

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