part two

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Somewhere else in Goldcoast, Arturo reserves the report from striker and looks at Suzy, " striker told me some information about the twins, it seems like they're keeping a low profile. they know we're coming for them, now Suzy what about your assignment," Suzy sighs at the thought of her assignment," I have to keep an eye bon and diablo, they're alway with masters," Arturo looks at her when she says masters," you know taz and inky,", "but I thought diablo didn't have a master, isn't he the cousin of taz? Why would he serve inky?", " that may be true, however, he only serves inky because she saved him when he was young so in return, he promised his life and loyalty to her," Suzy falls silent after providing the information to Arturo," what is it, I know your holding information now out with it," Suzy jumps at the slight change of tone at the end of Arturo's demand," fine, taz doesn't know about inky saving his life and serving under her," Arturo grins devilishly," finally something we can use against him." striker then receives more information about Diablo, taz, and inky as he leans on a wall thinking to himself 'why do I even take orders from that guy' putting his headphones on and blinding with the crowd of people in the city.

Vlad and Sebastian are sparring with each other as Vlad summons five shadows of himself. While they chase after Sebastian he dodges each shadow as he howls loudly. his speed increases, Sebastian slashes Vlads' side as blood spews out but starts to heal slowly as Sebastian says, " that's enough for today, we should get something to drink," Vlad looks at him then grabs his jacket," You're buying," as they get into a Ferrari and head to a restaurant, "so what's been happening with you Sebastian," Vlad looks at Sebastian, " I had a talk with Valentine about some information. what have you been up to?" Sebastian replies, "paid a visit to inky's and Scarlett's place. Don't Mind me saying both of them are crazy as ever, but inky is a little territorial with what's hers" he shows the dog collar around his neck, " she told me this Was a gift now I somehow can't take it off," Sebastian laughs. after 30 minutes at the restaurant, they both apart way as Vlad was back to his house and Sebastian drove to somewhere else. striker sees them part ways and heads to get his weapons.

Inky looks at Levi as he's working the bar as different guys try to approach her and each time they been rejected by her, Levi smirks shaking his head slightly, " she's a bad girl, I'll give her that," inky heard that and call for Levi as he walks towards her, "yes inky," said Levi, she places a hand on his chest as he was wearing a button-up shirt then rips his shirt open, exposing his torso to everyone, the incubus staff members start doing the same as the music bumps up louder as the club was going out of control. after the part was ending, Levi walks up to Scarlett, " inky seems like a person that doesn't care about anyone," said Levi Scarlett smirks, " she takes what she wants," as Levi turns around and inky is right in his face, " what's wrong? cat got your tongue," inky laughs. Levi unfuses back to Mark and Scott move away from inky as the brothers both were covering their faces from the girls, "well didn't know the sons of death would be so shy. I'm curious to see what you both look like," inky said trying to pull Scott's hands off his face, his eyes glow white like the moon. "Your curiosity will get you killed," said Scott as inky look at him," Kinky hope you can show me what you're packing down there Scott," as Scott grabs marks arm and fusion back to Levi, "leave us alone," inky smirks, "Scarlett I'm gonna enjoy those two after all," Scarlett bites her lip in a sexy way, "can't wait. after all, it seems like they're hiding some talent inside them".

Taz and Bon are walking through the city as Bon hears some footsteps following them, " what's wrong Bon?" said taz, "nothing just thinking about you and inky and the sounds I heard," Bon smirk as taz shakes his head, "nope," taz could feel something was off about Bon, but he just decided to leave it alone as they keep walking through the city and end up at the mansion as people surrounded them with different types of weapons. taz looks at bon, "I guess they were waiting for us to arrive Lucky for me, I've been needing a fight today," the group of assassins rush towards them. Bon grabs two of the assassins by the head and slowly starts crushing them like paper as taz rips out a person's heart out their chest. as the battle has been going on for a while, more assassins start showing up. as Bon was fighting a person stab him in the shoulder blade, Bon grunts in pain while the blade strikes his skin. taz turns to see and his anger starts to grow even more, as the people surrounding them start to back off taz grabs a female assassin and tears her head off The group then tries to run away. Bon says, "my King, seems to be at his breaking point," taz rushes to the rest of the group that is trying to flee. screams can be heard as well as the ripping of body parts after its all done taz is covered in blood from head to toe. he cracks his neck, " who's next," he says in an aggressive hunger for blood. a hand covers his eyes, " that's enough my king. they're all dead now, let's go somewhere to sleep that's not here," as they both enter a portal.

Inky goes to see Valentine and brings Levi along as well, inky looks at Levi, "so why did you want me to come along with you," Levi said to inky not knowing what she wanted with him. Inky just sighs and turns around to face him, " were going to see someone I owe a favor to, you're just here if anything goes wrong," Levi then feels the passion protect her even if he dies for it, he wasn't sure if it was inky's powers that got to him or if it was the fact he's started to like her. Inky starts to walk in the directions she was before and Levi shakes out of his thoughts then follows after her. When arriving at valentines inky, before even knocking on the door valentine opens the door and hugs inky, "INKY-CHAN!!!!," inky smiles sweetly," hello~ little one," Levi sighs in relief after realizing she was hugging her and not attacking. "So inky why are we really here," inky sighs in annoyance and looks at Levi in the eyes," oh~ my dear vanentine~", Levi looks at her confused," sick him," valentine then charges at Levi which he reacted with jumping back to avoid the attack. During the fight, Inky takes a mental note that he has fast reflexes, strength like a monster, and his cool head of thinking while adapting to a situation. A couple of hours pass of them fighting and inky finally looks up at the fight and see the mark and Scott have unfused back to themselves. Seeing this inky steps in front of valentine with one arm out protectively," NOW THAT'S ENOUGH!" the two boys finally stop, " you sent your pet after us for what," as both brothers say unison as their eyes glow one light shines bright and the other cold as the night as Scott stops and place a hand on mark shoulder, " calm down brother," as Mark takes a deep breath and fusion back to Levi, " don't ever do that again or next time your pet will die by our hands," valentine then hugs inky from behind," I don't wanna die big sis inky-chan," inky turns around to hug her and runs a hand through her hair, "you know ill protect you if that happens, now don't cry," inky then says goodbye to valentine and leaves to find Levi and explain the point of everything.

Levi is heading back to the club as he walks through the city as inky teleports In front of him, "let me explain," hearing her sympathetic voice Levi crosses his arm and waits for her to continue to speak. " I wanted to know how strong you are and well, to be honest, you would fit perfectly as my personal guard," as soon as inky said the word guard she couldn't help but smirk. Levi looked at inky, " how about hell no and why would I, if anything that's the last thing I want to be" Levi says to inky she then sighs," it was worth a try, how about I sweeten the offer." inky then grabs his hand and places it to her mouth," then let me be your guard~," she kisses his hand then smirks," that is if you'll have me~," Levi looks at inky starting to calm down, " how about this, I've got your back if things get too heated but it takes a lot to earn my trust and you haven't succubus, so keep trying," inky laughs at him," I can't believe you actually thought I was being serious," Levi shook his head as one of his hands goes to her stomach as he slowly starts to pull as something starts to lock inky in place as inky was feeling a piece of her is being ripped out as that was happening inky starts to smirk as she resisted it then grabs Levi by the neck, " well you sure know how to keep a girl entertained, however, you underestimate me," Levi grins as he is forced against a wall, " no just seeing which buttons to mess with," as Levi grab inky neck both were in a stand off, " do it. I have nothing to lose. no one will actually care anyhow," with this inky lets go of his neck, Levi does the same and looks at her " I trust you cause you may seem dangerous on the outside but still caring about everyone around you" He kissed her on the cheek and continues to walk back to the club. Inky stands there a little flustered on what just happened and sighs, 'you know if you show any weakness ill come out and play' inky shivers at the dark cruel voice. She closes her eyes and exhales to calm her nerves then precedes to the club.

Back at moonlight HQ, Suzy and striker walk out the training room as they were whipping the sweat off of them, " getting better at hand to hand combat but, you need work on your roundhouse kick," striker tells Suzy as they were finished and walk through the halls. Suzy looks at striker, "how's your assignment going," striker looks at Suzy as he slammed the locker as the time went by Suzy and striker were studying their targets as nothing could stop them from figuring out what they should do to get their targets alone and murder them. that seems to be on both of their minds after taking the time to study the targets some more, Arturo walks through the door and sees Suzy and striker, "how are you two doing and I see y'all are getting along well ", as striker just tsk at the question. Arturo then leaves seeing that he isn't wanted. Suzy sighs in exhaustion stretching her arms and placing them behind her head," so should we use the information on diablo against him?" striker looks at Suzy with an intrigued face," go on I'm listening". After explaining her idea to lore diablo and blackmail him they both went out and set the plan in action.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 25, 2020 ⏰

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