The three of you get an audience with the grandmaster. “Grandmaster we’ve come to bargain for one of your ships.” Loki says. Alright what have you to bargain with?” The grandmaster says.” “We have a lovely Asgardian ship.” Loki says looking at the ship out the window. “That’ll do I’ve always wanted a nice ship like that.” He says. “What kind of ship do you need?” “We need one to travel through one of the gateways.” Loki says.
“Alright my assistant will take you to the ship you want to take.” The grandmaster says. A man walks towards the three of you. “Follow me.” The man says. He leads the three of you to a huge hangar with many ships. He takes you over to a blue ship. “Thank you kindly.” Loki says to the man as the three of you board the ship. “Good job brother.” Thor says. “I told you I knew how to handle it.” Loki says. He presses some of the buttons on the ship and it takes off leaving the hangar behind.
He cloaks the ship so that it looks like an airplane as the ship goes through a portal. “Well we’ve arrived at Midgard.” Loki says as he lands the ship in a field in the middle of nowhere. “We need to get back to my house.” You say. “I know the way.” Loki says. The three of you walk through the field through the woods which seem to go in for miles until you finally come out of it into the town which you live.
The three of you make your way towards your house eventually arriving at the destination. You grab your spare key from it’s hiding spot and unlock the door. You look at the clock on the wall seeing that it’s very late. “Thor, Loki you can either stay in the guest room or sleep on the couch the two of you can decide who gets which.” You say yawning as you are about to head upstairs.
Loki grabs your arm as you are about to walk upstairs. “Wait love would you mind if I slept with you?” He says. “I don’t mind.” You say. You head into your room and change into your pjs. Loki comes in a few minutes later already being in pajamas. “I showed Thor where the guest room is.” Loki says. The two of you climb into bed cuddling up close to each other falling asleep almost instantly.
Love and Hate
Roman d'amouryou and Loki fall in love but his father does not approve