part four

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Namjoon heard the bickering in the room before he even entered it.

Vampires didn't need to consume human food as often as they needed blood. Sure, it helped to keep their undead bodies somewhat alive, but really food consumption was more of an afterthought than anything else.

That's why all seven of the household's masters sitting down for dinner together was a big deal. It was a rare occurrence, but not an entirely unusual one. Seokjin insisted on it every now and again to instill a sense of "family" or something of that nature.

The dinner was the talk of the manor for the past week; the cooks had been preparing since yesterday, and the maids had the dining room polished and pristine, the room hardly ever seeing any guests.

Namjoon took his seat next to Hoseok, taking in the heated conversation that was transpiring between the eldest and youngest vampire.

"Why would you ask for turkey?" Jungkook snapped, his glare traveling from across the table, aimed directly at Seokjin.

"What do you mean why?" The eldest quipped back, "Turkey is good lean meat, not to mention it's delicious."

Jungkook frowned deeply, poking at the problematic meat that lay on his dish with a fork, "Of course you like it. It tastes old and dusty."

Namjoon stifled back a laugh. The rest of the boys were either eating or engaged in their own mindless conversations.

"What exactly are you implying?" Seokjin pressed.

"You are what you eat." Jungkook mumbled under his breath, which, of course, didn't go unnoticed.

Jimin and Taehyung burst out into rounds of harmonious laughter, edging on their now smirking younger brother. Even Hoseok found himself letting out a small chuckle.

Seokjin huffed in disbelief, slamming a hand down onto the wooden dining table, setting every servant on edge.

"Is this another fucking age joke?!" The eldest growled in annoyance, causing Yoongi to shush him.

Seokjin turned towards Yoongi with a pout, "Aren't you going to reprimand him?"

"What for? He's right." Yoongi merely shrugged in response, causing Seokjin to gasp in offense.

"I'm only 500 years older than him!" Seokjin protested.

Namjoon picked up his fork, eager to try the meat that was such a hot topic tonight.

Well, Jungkook did have a point in his argument it would seem, turkey sure was far drier meat than he was accustomed to. Glancing over to Hoseok's plate to see if he was indulging himself in the controversial meat, Namjoon frowned.

"Where did you get mashed potatoes?" He asked.

"They came around with it while you were gone. You shouldn't have been late." Hoseok showed no sympathy to his brother, shoving a spoonful of said potatoes between his lips.

Admittedly, Namjoon had been so consumed by a book that he nearly forgot about dinner. If it weren't for his brothers' verbal discourse echoing throughout the house, he might not have made it at all.

Catching the eye of the nearest servant, Namjoon gestured towards his plate, the servant immediately springing into action, clearly having had been listening to his conversation this entire time.

He sunk back into his chair as the man slipped out of the room and into the kitchen.

Letting his eyes roam the room, he took note of the several servants in the room; every face in the room was familiar, having had served his family for quite some time now. Yet, the face he was looking for wasn't there.

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