part five

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Namjoon had summoned you into his room the moment dinner had ended.

Honestly, Namjoon was seething with self-hatred and anger. He hated himself for subjecting you to all of this. You would've never ended up like this, about to be used for blood by seven gluttonous vampires, if he had just been more careful. If Namjoon could relive that night, you'd still be tucked in your bed in those horrendous pajamas of yours, and you would still have a mother.

The creak of a door being pushed open interrupted his thoughts. He turned his head to see you slip in quietly, your head bowed.

"Namjoon, I want to apologize for making such a mess at dinner. Nari tells me often that you are responsible for me being alive, so I'm sorry for embarrassing you." You spoke quietly as if to make yourself physically smaller than you already were.

"Stand up straight and shut the door." Was all Namjoon replied, and you complied immediately.

"Come here, little one." He cooed, catching you by surprise. Namjoon was sat at his desk, several opened books sprawled out in front of him. You walked over to him cautiously.

"Are you upset with me?" You asked before you could think twice. Namjoon could hear your heartbeat beginning to race, panic beginning to set in. He cursed himself for that.

"No. Come sit." He replied, gesturing towards his lap.

Surprised, you did as he asked, sitting down gently on one of his thighs. The position was familiar yet odd; you often spent your youth perched on someone's lap as they read to you. But that was forever ago, and instead, all you could think about was your proximity and how impossibly vulnerable you felt like this. You fought off a blush.

"I'm afraid things are going to change now." He told you, his voice sounding solemn.

"What do you mean?" You tilted your head slightly.

"I mean, you are older now. There is more to be expected from you. From now own, you must work harder to do your chores." He told you seriously.

You felt embarrassment flood you, "I– I will! I'm trying to get better! I know I'm not very fast or graceful but–"

"I'm not finished." He sighed, causing you to grow hot in the face.

You mumbled a quiet apology. Namjoon stared at you for a moment, listening to the comforting sound of your heart beating.

"From now on, we will be feeding off of you." He finally spoke, a frown making his way onto his face.

You felt your blood run cold, and Namjoon felt the way you physically stiffen.

"W-What?" You stuttered, your voice falling small and shaky. Namjoon grimaced at your reaction but pressed on.

"You're going to let us feed off of you whenever one of us needs you. Do you understand?"

You nodded through teary eyes. You were scared out of your mind, but you had learned years ago not to question anything your masters said. Their word was the law in this house, and your life was entirely in their hands. If one of them wanted you dead, then you would be buried six feet under without question. Nari instilled the importance of keeping your masters content into you at an early age.

"I understand." You deadpanned, wanting nothing more than to run out of the room and cry.

Namjoon looked you over for a second. He always found the concept of aging very intriguing, especially since he had lost the ability to do so centuries ago. Your once round face had slimmed down as you matured, giving your face shape and aging you nicely. You had dark bruises set underneath your eyes, however, and your skin tone had paled from the lack of sunlight you got. You looked much like how every other servant here looked; tired and beaten down.

Guilt ate away at him, and he wanted nothing more than to soothe your worries.

"It... It doesn't hurt as badly as you might think." He spoke up before he could stop himself.

He knew that he had to change alongside you. He did speak to you in a manner that was inconsistent with a master and his servant, he knew that. But still, he couldn't find it within himself to treat you coldly.

"You can try it with me if you'd like?" He offered before he could stop himself. Your eyes widened at his suggestion.

The room fell into silence, and Namjoon grew nervous as you sorted through your thoughts. Was he out of line?

Lifting an arm back, you rolled back your sleeve, exposing the intact skin of your wrist.

"I trust you." You said decidedly, holding your arm up to him.

Namjoon wrapped his large hand around your wrist, bringing your arm up to his mouth. To your utter surprise, he placed a soft kiss on it, his unspoken apology, your face heating up painfully.

You looked away to hide your blush, only to feel two sharp objects sink into the flesh of your arm.

You let out a gasp, head snapping back to see where Namjoon had now latched onto you. Your eyebrows furrowed in discomfort at the feeling of his fangs tugging at your skin as he drank.

It was an odd feeling, your arm felt cold, but the spot where Namjoon was drinking from burned. The two sensations somehow canceled each other out, leaving behind a numb feeling.

It was the extraction of Namjoon's fangs that really hurt. You let out a pained whimper as he removed himself, panicking slightly at the sight of blood beginning to pour out from the two puncture wounds.

Namjoon's tongue met your arm in an instant, causing you to freeze. The sight made your heart pound, but his gentleness kept you sane. You watched in muteness as the bleeding stopped and the wound closed up.

"You shouldn't feel any sort of fatigue since I didn't take that much from you. How was that?" Namjoon asked you carefully, eyes scanning your face for any sign of discomfort.

"Okay." You answer finally, bringing your arm up to you to inspect it closer, impressed at how the injury had healed itself.

"How was it for you?" You asked him, not looking up from your vanished wounds.

Namjoon raised an eyebrow, "What do you mean?"

You looked up from your arm, having had decided that it was perfectly intact.

"I mean, did I taste alright?" You asked, looking worried.

Namjoon didn't know whether to laugh or stare at you dumbfounded. It was endearing, albeit saddening that someone this pure could exist among demons.

"Yes, actually, you did." He smiled softly.

"Better than dry turkey and spilled mashed potatoes?" You teased through a lopsided grin.

Namjoon shook his head in disbelief at how light you turn this conversation. He flashed you a dimpled smile, enjoying the way your heart rate spiked up.

"Way better."

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