Once a time there was a spring and girl named Roselle.

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Her name was French ( read as Rozel) and she was picking up the flowers 🌺. She had reddish hair and white skin with freckles. She looked like as she was an autumn; her reddish hair was fall leaves; her freckles were spots on the late fall leaves, but her white skin was a winter snow. There was always a warm caming from her as from the autumn sun.
   One day a storm suddenly started to rage on and big snowy crystals were coming in flakes with the North wind. All became freezing cold. It was snowing without end. People were extremely alarmed. Permafrost had come. All people in the kingdom were aware of who was guilty for it. Except Roselle. She had asked her mother about it, and her mother told that this was the evil Ice Queen's witchcraft which had brought them an eternal winter. She revenges them for that they had turned out her from her own kingdom, because she was the witch. Roselle heard it for the first time. She answered she would like to meet this Ice Queen and try to deal with her so that she will end this winter. However, if she won't be able to deal with her, she will kill her to bring the spring back. Roselle was too brave to set up to Evil Queen's ² palace in the morning, although her mom's crying. She went to the North alone, on the roads of which was blowing the North wind and were living the stone trolls. They prevented her that everyone who had ever entered into her castle immediately became an ice forever. However, these words didn't stop her. She was thinking about her town¹, her mom, how they can live in the cold. She has to stop this winter to save her town. She has to stop the Evil Queen even at the cost of her own life.
      As she was riding a reindeer, she was so impressed how beautiful can be the winter! These refined ice crystals 💠, these unique little accurate snowflakes❄️, this shining and glittering as silver snow! All around her was glittering with brilliant. "This Ice Queen can create such a beautiful Ice Kingdom, but at one time she can destroy our kingdom also", thought she.

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